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Posts posted by Kauaidoug

  1. Hi, First time treating for Ich and following directions on bottle. I isolated the 2 fish to my Mcguvered isolation tank that were showing ich and have treated the rest of my 20 gallon now for two days. i see no signs in the tank and the ich has cleared up on the isolated fish with one of them dying/ The one that died I expected since I dropped him during transfer! The remaining looks good, no salt flakes also after 2 days. 

    My understanding is that I should change a third of the water everyday and then readminister the ICH-X?  That way you have fresh water and a new dose of ICH X. Am I on the right track?   

    My nitrates have been running high but I do a weekly 25% change and gravel vac. My tank is I would say heavily planted. About 6 fish on cleanup and then about 10 fish on regular duty.


    Thank you ahead of time,


  2. Hi,  I have a 3 month old tank, no algae issues until I noticed this very close growing brown stuff on my mopani wood piece. There is a snail on the picture appears to be eating but my other cleanup crew avoid it, chinese algae eater and corys.  Hopefully you can see it. I just noticed it and have no idea what this is. It is not really fuzzy. Should I clean this off. I haven't seen it anywhere else in tank.  The first pic shows the darker brown in the middle of the lighter brown. I would say it is thicker than the lighter colored. The second pic is to show how close it is growing. Same  brown spot as other image. Mahalo

    brown algae1.jpg

    brown algae2.jpg

  3. Just noticed this on my platy who I had thought was pregnant. Acts very healthy. Have no idea how to treat if a worm. Anyone point me in the right direction? 20 gallon tank.   I do feed live mosquito larvae as a treat. New to tanking. Help and thanks ahead.

    fish worm.jpg

  4. I looked up fish TB and it seems it could be anything but I did wash my hands diligently!  HAd not heard of this and seems a bit scary so we will see.  My Cory didn't really fit into any of the many varied symptoms other than spinal and not able to swim properly.  I will watch the other fish closer for sure.  Thank you.

  5. My tanks 1 month old, this green common Cory was one of the first fish I got and he has another green Cory and then I have 3 of the jeweled variety.  All in my 20 gallon community. The water checks out the same as has over last few days.   Yesterday morning I saw him in a hidden away place in the tank and he looked all twisted?, definetly not right. I watched for a while then got him out. He tried to swim away but he just went in circles and really couldn't swim so I put him in a bucket outside thinking he would be dead but he was still alive this morning. I picked him up and held the little but his body just flopped. Anyone familiar with this?  I put him in a guppy pond I have outside, I hope he doesn't have a disease? I should have put in my little holding tank but didn't think of that, I truly thought he would be dead.   All the other fish seem fine.

  6. Mahalo, JF

    The structures are resin Petco specials or as I like to think of them as old pier structures at a nearby bay. 🙂  Patience it will be and good advice with the glue. I've done a lot of garden features using succulents, airplants/ tallandsia, even spanish moss on driftwood or as we call the moss here Pele's hair.  I use glue and stick pins for that.  Firs time with a tank since a kid but I do enjoy my plants. can't have shrimp or snails sent here, forbidden. If the snails or shrimp get out here they might be able to survive.

  7. Figured out the picture issue,,,   Ok the brown spots on top the structures are the pieces of java moss I glued using the coop glue stuff. I got two of the screen setups and cut those in two and removed from the screens. It has been 3 weeks at least and all I see are just small attempt by the moss to grow. h* is about 7.8.   I did purchase some crushed coral but then saw my ph ok for most of my communal fish. Gourami, lyre fishtail, corys, siamese algae eaters, guppies and platys.    My question is will the moss grow from the brown, did cutting it up in smaller pieces cause this?   I can grow plants but this moss is killing me. The other stuff on the structures is some moss I converted from growing outside to my tank.  But the big brown spots are the JM. Help?   PS   I have been using the grow green.

    java moss not good.jpg

  8. Well I was going to send a pic but not going to spend an hour how to so I found a small piece of bamboo at the beach. It is drift bamboo from the mountains but floating who knows how long in the ocean but its cool and small and cool. Can I use it? It floats bigtime but I am now boiling it. It does have some places where the skin of the bamboo has worn off at the broken spots and that worries me. I did google and some say no, some say try, some say get more opinions.   The bamboo that is exposed is kind of like a used toothpic texture. The bamboo piece is incredibly solid and strong. No breaking in two.

    So it is not lucky bamboo but dried drift bamboo from the ocean.  I am boiling it now.  Any advice for first time poster? I hope I can get this in right topic,


    progress on pics!


    bamboo drift.jpg

  9. Aloha, I have a 20 high with a flame dwarf gourami and assorted community fish from Petco, only fish place on the island.  A newbe and learning lots from all the youtubers and Cory especially. I have planted in river gravel and lots of plants from Co Op and petco. Amazon sword, red rotule stuff, visall long stringy plants, java fern and java moss and some of the crypto small plants. Just getting started but I am loving my aquarium. So I will be posting soon as I have found an interesting piece of dried drift ocean soaked bamboo.

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