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Posts posted by Macobe

  1. Dosing instructions for Jungle fungus clear fizz tabs is 1 tab for 10 gallons and a second dose can be added in 4 days after a 25 per cent water change. Not the same as API Furan-2 so the treatment might have to be tweaked.

  2. Hi, my tank water is normally 8.1 with a GH of 200ppm and a KH of 100-200ppm. I found that Hygrophia Corymbosa Augustifolia grows well in my tank. It has  slender long leaves that wave in the water and looks great. Also, what does well and is surprising is Pogostemon Helferi Downnoi. It's a foreground plant. Just keep cutting off the tops of the plants after they grow out a bit. Very easy to start a carpet with them. The Hygro is also a stem plant so you can also cut the plant and replant. 

  3. Is their a particular type of fish that is harder for you to diagnose what is wrong with them and also an easier one? For me harder is my albino catfish. I know it should be easier because of it's lighter coloring to spot things but it's not for me. They also seem to hide more when they are ill. Easiest would be Bettas. Maybe because I have four at the moment and have read and learned quite a bit about them. I've had to deal with quite a few illnesses in my over three years of having them.

  4. Hi, Furan 2 is impossible to find anymore. I think I read the FDA shut it down because people weren't using it correctly. Not sure if that's true. I also needed to medicate my fish with it and found a medicine that's active ingredient is nitrofurazone just like Furan 2. It's made by the company Jungle and it's called Jungle Fungus Clear fizz tabs. You normally can find it at Walmart. If not on Amazon. I think it sells for four to five dollars.

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