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Posts posted by Graniteer

  1. Hi All,

    Looking to get info on koi fish care and/or pond building.  Youtube hasn't been super helpful and search engines haven't really got me fired up.

    Any good books or something I've missed?  Or any tips?  I'm in NH, USDA zone 5.


  2. Hi all, I'm stuck and looking for some inspiration.

    I finally started up the 5.5 gallon tank in my office and have added Anubias petite and golden, Java fern, and Cryptocorne parva and wendtii.  Nothing too fancy, have Eco-Complete and a trio of Endler's in it.

    What can I use for a light?  I currently have a ZooMed with a daylight LED bulb in it I got for free, but it does warm up the tank as the day goes on.  After ~6 hours, the temp goes from 74 to 76.  I could do a few hours on then off, but I'd rather not.

    Any and all help/ideas welcome, and thanks for the help!

  3. I haven't kept puffers for a long time, the last one was a figure 8 sometime at the turn of the century.

    I have thought about your exact scenario though, and I think a real, honest to goodness shoal of pea puffers would be amazing.  Could maybe even get some community breeding.  Throw in several Crinum calastrum, crypts, Java moss, and maybe Vallisneria or chain sword with some tiger bulbs.  A bunch of driftwood or spider wood to top it off and provide hiding spaces.

    Maybe 30-ish peas and could do 10 or so anchor cats as well.

    Pretty jealous of your tank, and good luck!  Have fun with it.



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  4. Hello everyone,

    Getting back into fish keeping after an extended hiatus due to college, moving, etc. etc.

    Not too many tanks, just one currently with a colony of H. formosa with some Amano shrimp, nerite snails, and dwarf crayfish.

    Looking forward to checking this place out further, and I'm sure I'll have more questions as I dive further back into this hobby.  Thanks!

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