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Posts posted by SkarahW

  1. On 6/23/2021 at 10:03 AM, eatyourpeas said:

    H2O2 is my go-to cleaning agent. I then let everything sit overnight so any residue just disappears.

    What is the recipe for H2O2? And steps of procedure?

    I am moving my copper betta from one tank to another. New (old) tank inhabitants were moved to my community and he's too fiesty to be with any other fish. No disease in new tank just wanna sanitize to be cautious and for cleanliness. 

  2. Good Evening all, 

    My 37 gallon has been booming with Corydora shenanigans. Lots of egg laying and fry. 
    Tonight I notice my guppy and his dorsal fin... 

    Did he rub up on some cory eggs or is something more sinister at work?  




  3. Good Afternoon, 

    Yesterday we while at our LFS we were browsing and came across the very fish that my teen had mentioned wanting a few months ago. Ranchu Goldfish


    This is Boba Pearl. Our latest addition, s/he is currently new fish quarantining and is awaiting the cycling and completion of his/her new home. We are new to this species. So, any advice, facts and experiences you can share are greatly appreciated. Specifically, we are setting up the tank this weekend, and were thinking of a planted and layering with fluval plant and shrimp stratum lava soil and river rock / pebbles on top. Constructive critisism welcome. Thanks guys and gals. We are super excited about our new baby! 

    • Like 2
  4. Hello Fellow Fish Enthusiasts, 

    I have a 2+ month cycling 10 gal which I am slowing making a shrimp tank. As of right now, I have only 2 blue velvets in there about a 1/2 inch big. 

    I was doing a water change today and noticed A LOT of little things floating in my water. Then looked at my rock and it was covered in these little guys. Everywhere in the tank basically. Below is picture. 


    Any help in identifying and managing would be greatly appreciated. What I have heard is that they are a positive sign of a well functioning aquatic ecosystem. 🙂 But there are a lot, so I am entertaining the idea of adding some of fish from another tank, to get the population in check. Options are as follows: 

    - Corydoras (possibly my two males that keep over breeding with my female) 

    - Cory fry about 1+ month old. 

    - Male guppies 

    - Rainbows from my nano tank 

    - Golden Mystery Snails 

  5. On 4/19/2021 at 7:59 PM, Gideyon said:

    I guess my desire for a low maintenance tank won't be as low as I thought. More vacuuming.....

    Unless I go with plants, they say.... 


    Real Plants are the best! Even just one solid, betta safe plant in your 5 gal. Once I had a planted tank, I never go back to plastic plants. They not only look pretty, but they are so benficial. What's your filtration situation in that tank? 

  6. On 4/16/2021 at 12:10 PM, RiskyBiscuit said:

    Hi all, I'm probably recognizable to some of the staff once I get around to posting my setup and things of that nature. I'm RiskyBiscuit from the Seattle area and I'm obsessed with Cool plecos and have been breeding Cardinia and Neocardinia shrimp and betta for about a year now. Most of my fish are from Co-op and I've even had some of my corey cats start breeding in my shrimp hatchery's (They're smaller than the shrimp right now but I'm hoping they stay alive!). 

    Here's a few of my plecos!

    What's your secret? When I first started the hobby I tired having a pleco and unfortunately he didn't make it. Then I got more serious, but still kinda green and tried again and failed. My daughter and I love the species, just can't seem to keep them alive. I too have breeding cory cats. I think out of my 4 in my 37gal, I have 1 female and 3 males. Not to mention now, they're multigenerational offspring. And 1 snail that turned into 12+. I'm being over run! Help! 🙂

    • Like 1
  7. On 2/12/2021 at 10:48 AM, CorydorasEthan said:

    I like to just let the fish waste allow the plants to grow. I think that is why the Java fern and Cryptocoryne grow so well, as they are both near the area where the peppered cory family and the school of pygmy cories always sleep. I heard root tabs could be useful for Amazon sword and Vallisneria, so I might try that out.

    Same. I don't like to t use many additives in my tanks. I prefer all natural for my aquariums. Even using methalyne blue for my cory eggs made me crinch. But it worked like a charm, cause my first two attempts at hatching Crydoars was a fungi failure.

    I have a planted 37gal, actually all my tanks live plants, if there are going to be plants they have to be real. I don't do fake plants anymore. But I have an ever growing community in that 37gal so there's plenty of waste and ecosystem cycle to support their growth. My wisteria has taken over, but I'm afraid to remove it cause the fish seem to enjoy playing it and I have multiple and varying stages of Cory fry hiding in there. 

    below is a pick during a water change and maintenance day. 2004209693_37gal03132021.jpg.7774a725211760b166f7300122037bfc.jpg

    • Like 2
  8. Afternoon All, 

    Last Tuesday, I had a "clutch" of eggs from my Albino x Bronze cory catfish (See: Ponyo Loves Sosuke). There were about 207 eggs laid by my one massive, female Bronze.


    Sosuke my bronze & Momma Mystery snail, Asuma for size comparison. Both are huge. 

    Being my first viable batch - I figured the survival / success rate would be in the single to two digits if I was lucky. Thursday, fry hatched out and they have been doing well. I removed their leftover eggs about a day+ after for fear of fungus and immediately gave them first bites. I have them in a 1.66 gallon tank with a heater and sponge filter, did 50% water changes until hatched and I am now going to move to 2-3/week water changes.

    I did a fry head count last night and I have confirmed at least ... drum roll please ...

    70 active and thriving Corydora Fry!

    I never thought that many would come from a clutch. So, here is my dilema and where I need your advice. 


    I can not keep all 70 in that tiny tank, and the grow out I had planned is still quaratining some other new additions. Plus, it already has sand and other things - I want to keep these cories in a bare minimum enviornment while growing out. So, I am entertaining the idea of getting a breeder tank. I ideally, want to start cycling it today. 

    1) how many gallons should I look for to comfortably and efficiently raise the 70 fry into healthy maturation? 

    2) while cycling new tank, I was thinking off taking some water from my established tank (the tank they were initially laid in) and their current tank when doing water changes and adding that water to the new tank to get good bacteria & water going, yes or no?

    3) Any advice on large batch fry? 

    I feel like this is a huge number of fry for a cory, given my research it's usually under 20.

    4) Anyone else have / had similar amount of fry from their corydoras? 

    5) what temp do you keep your cory fry? 


    I am so insanely invested in these little guys and do not want to loose them. TIA for advice, tips and tricks. 

    • Like 3
  9. UPDATE: 


    I went on a LFS crawl yesterday with the fam to pick up some supplies for the fry tank. Came home late at night and found the fry had hatched!!! They were getting to zoomed by the diffuser I had in there, so while I was doing the daily water change - I switched out the diffuser for a corner sponge filter. Pictures to follow. 

    • Like 1
  10. 22 hours ago, quirkylemon103 said:

    I'm curious do you think Naruto is okay to watch with a 12yr old? 

    oh, 😅haha. We watch it with our 14 year old. And my husband lets our 6 year old watch it with parental guidance. 

  11. 18 hours ago, Nini said:

    About three days after I changed a quarter of the water. I sat watching them it’s so therapeutic. I added a bit of quick start and then watched in shock as the neons died one after another in a matter of no more than two minutes. The beta seemed ok but was dead the next morning.

    That is alot of new additions. Are you first quaranting them seperatly before adding them to your community tank? What is your process when adding fish: acclimation, steps & additives?

    It may also be the parameters of the water or water treatments. Expired Quick Start? Is the new water treated properly. When I do a water change, add fish or alter they're enviornment in any major way - I always add the recommended amount of Stress Coat to the tank. Lighting is also a factor, and temp of the tank. 

    Do you have a picture of your setup? 

    • Like 1
  12. Update: 

    I added the methylene blue Tuesday night and did a 50% water change last night. Today, at water change, I am going to remove the unfertilized eggs. Majority of them seem to be beige, no sign of fungus. 🙂Although, I'm nervous that I might not be able to identify them correctly and pull the wrong ones. Any suggestions? 

  13. 23 hours ago, CorydorasEthan said:

    Wow that is one big bronze cory! I am always fascinated by the sizes that female cories can get. Like my female peppered cory for instance, got way bigger than I was told they get. For comparison see the fully grown venezulean cory male above her.

    Yeah, she's a tank. We figured she was a female with how much larger she was - then laying eggs confirmed it. Her and 3 others live in that tank and they are small compared to her. 1 masked, 1 green, 1 albino and they're all small compared to her about half her size. So, I am assuming they are all male. 

    • Like 1
  14. 19 hours ago, quirkylemon103 said:

    are perhaps an anime or studio ghibli fan?

     Yes, to both. 😊 My community tank is a mix of Studio G characters and Naruto. We've just always named our aquatic animals after anime and our reptiles after food. Lol

  15. Gotchya. Looks good to go. 

    I like having temp gauges in my tanks because my home has been fluctuating in temp recently with storms and power outages, but I see one in the corner there.

    Good idea. QT is a painstaking and time consuming, but such a good precaution. I have some blue velvet shrimps QT right now. 

  16. Greeetings! 

    Looks good! Personally, I like a minimal tank to start. Over time you find things you wanna add either for benefits or aesthetic. Building up my tank as I go; upgrades and new additions. Makes the hobby long lasting and more enjoyable. I started with a 20 gal and now have moved into a 37gal. I prefer live plants. The oxygenate, look nice and I have found them to be easy to maintain. 2 years ago had 1 tank now I have 4 and a grow out. It's a slippery slope. lol.  

    Are you looking to breed those corys (in there)? 

  17. Yesterday morning I noticed my bronze and my albino's, ahem* behavior. The day before I did a water change... so eggs!

     444822080_ponyonsosuke.jpg.b594bc20e4027605dcbca1574096685a.jpg     Dad: Ponyo, albino |    Mom: Sosuke, Bronze 1779709202_sosukexponyoeggs03_09_2021.JPG.fe51814c4aefbb6be8dca4b78bf7d0a9.JPG

    Background: I have had the bronze momma, Sosuke, for over a year now. She is my veteran Cory. Parents don't have favorites, but her and I go way back. So, needless to say, I love her.  The albino is a more recent addition to the community tank. In the past Sosuke has laid many clutches, but none have been fertilized, guppies get them before I can, novice attempts and / or that darn fungus kept them from hatching. This time the albino and bronze have been doing the famous T and eggs were laid immediately after so I know these are valid eggs. 


    To save them from my hungry guppies, I decided to move them to a hatch / grow out tank. This was my first time saving majority of them and using methylene blue, so I am hopeful. 

    I ordered an egg tumbler, but needed to move the eggs sooner than it's arrival.

    *Should I move them to the egg tumbler or leave them be in the "hatch tank"?

    I plan on 50% water changes daily til hatched then 2-3x/week for the hatched fry. 

    What are your experiences with Cory breeding?  


    • Like 4
  18. Please help us identify: 

    We got them a month or so ago from one of our regular LFS and the guy referred to them as "rainbows", but I tried googling that and they do not look similar. Anyone know what these cuties are? 

    Let me know about the picture quality, I might be able to load a better picture. They're quick. 

    Rainbow Nano with cottage.jpg

    Rainbow Nano.jpg

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