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Posts posted by Salami

  1. My younger sister has a poor betta fish which she got about 6 weeks ago. It is our first fish ever, and needless to say, we are not knowledgeable about anything fish related. Plus, it wasn't very helping that the owner of the local fish store said everything she wanted to hear as a customer, which after reading a lot online I am beginning to doubt any of it was true.

    When she first got it, its fins were already looking pretty bad. It's been deteriorating slowly, and lots of small water changes didn't help. I went back to that fish store to look for a medicine and he recommended Acriflavine yesterday. I moved the fish to a small tank (because I saw it can kill all the beneficial bacteria, plants and snails in her main tank) for 2 hours and added the medication to it. Then I put it back into the main tank.

    Before using the medication it was eating and acting normally, and it's still the same after putting him back in.

    Water parameters are:

    pH: 7.4
    Ammonia: 0
    Nitrite: 0
    Nitrate: 5
    Temperature: 27C

    My question is: since it looks so bad and we didn't treat it the minute we got the fish, is it even possible to save that fish? Will it grow back its fins now, and how long would it take if the answer is yes?

    I appreciate any help.


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