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Posts posted by TArmentrout

  1. Thanks, everyone for your responses...much appreciated!   We're keeping the water very clean, and with calm lighting.  I'll completely fast him now, per the recommendation -- just gave him a few daphnia; it's been four days without any other food (pellet).

    Water parameters are:

    pH:  7.6

    Ammonia:  0

    Nitrite:  0

    Nitrate:  Between 0-5.0 

    Please see attached for a picture... 

    Again, thanks very much!

    Betta Fish w Prolapse.jpg

  2. Hi, all...  We have a great betta fish, in a tank with excellent parameters...  We rescued him and he's recovering from mild fin rot and constipation...and, now, has what appears to be an anal prolapse. The protrusion has grown to about 1/4 of an inch... I'm fasting him (did provide some frozen daphia), keeping water clean, and warm...  He's a little less active, but still swimming and responds to us.  But, I worry he's suffering and don't know what to do now for him.  What are his chances for recovery?   Thanks for any insights you can share.

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