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Posts posted by Kwag222

  1. thanks JettsPapa.  my pH is 7.0 - 7.2 and I was planning on a temp of around 79-80.  Hardness is 8-10.  I'm not "committed" to Gourami's, rainbow fish or rainbow sharks (or anything really at this point).  Which is why I'm here asking for input.  The list is what my preliminary research and interests brought me to.  While I know there are no guarantees, forums like this are invaluable for applying the experience of others so as to avoid "silly" mistakes.   So, thanks to all and please, keep sharing your wisdom....

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  2. Love this topic!!  My earliest fishkeeping memory is setting up a tank with my Dad when I was a kid.  I have no idea what size tank it was but i remember we had swordtails.  I also remember being amazed by a gar at the fish store.  It is a strong memory of doing something with my Dad from my childhood.  Why this topic strikes so close to home for me now (some 40 years later) is that my daughter expressed an interest in fish keeping recently.  That was all the incentive I needed and we just set up her first tank about 2 months ago.  Now I'm enjoying the hobby through a totally different perspective and relishing memories with my Dad!


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  3. Help!  I know I'm in the right place though.  I am restarting my 125gal (freshwater this time, abandoned it as a saltwater tank 6 years ago).

    After kicking the rust off (metaphorically, of course) and getting the tank set up, and cycled, I am looking to add the following list of fish.  My questions are: 1. Is this overstocked?  2. Do you foresee any compatibility issues with the list?  3. In what order would you recommend making additions and over what period of time?

    (1)Rainbow shark


    (1) Butterfly pleco

    (4)German blue ram cichlid

    (4)Boesemani Rainbowfish

    (10)blue tetra

    (10)harlequin rasbora

    (10) Guppies

    Thanks for your help!



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