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Posts posted by Kyrra

  1. Could be the Excel 🧐. And you're sure it was eating enough? My mystery snails eat almost the same as my goldfish! I feed them repashy super gold with calcium mixed in and some Hikari crab pellets almost every day. They are big eaters and I never found algae to be enough for them. I suppose this is the hardest part of the hobby, not being able to tell exactly what happened and it happens so quickly! I did get some lovely mystery snails from a hobbyist on Facebook and they were way cheaper than the store. I hope you do end up getting another one, they are my favorites!

  2. There is a YouTuber called life with pets (I think!) who had a similar problem with one of her goldish. She ended up putting it in a shallower, smaller tank and it helped some. There may be more videos on the channel! Aqua Girl Talks also has some videos. Have you ever tried Repashy Super Gold? I was so tempted to buy a goldfish online, but I ended up at my local LFS and bought a derpy ranchu after watching all the fish for an hour. So disappointing they didn't send you the video! If I ever buy online, it with be with Zhao's Fancies. More expensive, but they all have videos 

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