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  1. That's why I was so confused. We made positive sure that the tanks were very healthy before we brought new kids home. Confusing because the fish looked & acted fine & then, were dead. So quick. And, of course, plecos & shrimp did what they do. Clean up. Really sad but I don't think there's anything we could have done about it. I hope. Don't need to feel any worse then we do for those babies.
  2. OK........... I've decided. It's not the water & it's not the plecos or shrimp. It's GOT to be the source. Both Bettas from same store, 5 days apart. Could have been from same shipment. Have purchased 2 more beautiful Bettas from a different source & they're going through their 'General Cure' at the moment. I love these little 'puppies' so much. Of all of the multitude of fish gracing me with their beauty & cuteness, Plecos & Betta kids are my favorites. Others too, like guppies & rams & the list goes on but.............. Bettas & Plecos own my heart. Fishwise. LOL Thanks for the input everyone. Happy Finnies!
  3. All water parameters check out really good. The only thing up a bit is nitrates & it's slightly 5. Usually if water is off the shrimp tell me quickly. (Well, their behavior or lack of tells me.)
  4. Two juvenile betta fish, dead. Each in a Imagitarium 6.8 gal. planted tank. Established tanks, water checks out very good. The only other living things in tanks are a few snails, a bristlenose pleco in one tank & a clown pleco in the other. Both tanks have cherry shrimp that were there when young bettas, one about 1 1/2" the other, a Galaxy Koi about 1 inch, were introduced. One betta arrived Jan. 14th, one on the 19th. Different sources. The first one died 9 days after arrival. From day of arrival he hung out exclusively in the back corner of the tank, ate the first day but went right back to corner & hung there. The Galaxy Koi, who arrived on the 14th, has been a super friendly little kid, all over the tank, investigating as is normal. Last night he was his usual, happy self. This AM I found him dead, with about half dozen cherry shrimp on him. I'm SO sad about this & don't know what to do. We're not exactly novice fishkeepers. Have cherry shrimp & plecos in almost all of our tanks, other than the larger cichlid tanks. We would appreciate any help here as we want our pet bettas. We don't want them terrorized & then killed by 'somebody'. We do know that shrimp & plecos will eat a fish, but we thought, AFTER the fish is dead, then they clean up. Something or somebody killed our little guys. But, who?
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