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Posts posted by Macjones

  1. Sand is the recommendation for the species. We had them as children on rock substrate and for the past two years with no problems but perhaps we (and the fish) just got lucky. Fingers crossed we can make the switch without too much stress on the entire community!

  2. That’s our biggest concern. We have rocks and want to switch to sand for the health of the kuhlis. They wedge themselves into everything! We plan to move everyone out for the switch and potentially get a larger tank. It will be so alarming to the fish but trying to do it as gently as possible. 

  3. Thanks for the advice! We are trying General Cure now with the next dose due tomorrow at 3:30pm. We will try to catch and quarantine. (Though even an injured kuhli is tough to net!) Any idea what might be the cause? 

  4. We do. Marine land 200watt. Concerned it isn’t precise enough or able to keep up with the colder weather. We have just ordered a new heater and thermometer with an alarm from Inkbird.

  5. Ammonia 0

    nitrite 0

    nitrate 0(never happened before?)

    phosphate ~.025ish

    ph 6.75 (lower than normal for our tank)

    We’re also experiencing lower temperatures (normally spot-on 77.1f but down to 75.9f), but also much colder than usual for coastal North Carolina. 
    Any advice?





  6. We lost a kuhli loach with a wound 2 weeks ago. All water parameters are good. Mystery snail and pleco added in August and although we kept them in quarantine we did not give them Gen Cure. Just got to see the wound on the loach that has abandoned the “log pile” of the others to rest near the top of the tank. Afraid it could be parasites. We just did a week long treatment of Melafix, 50% water change and started the General Cure. Any advice is very welcome. Thank you 

  7. Mac from New Bern, NC. We have a 2 year old 45 gallon (tall) tank and haven’t kept fish since childhood. We’ve made a lot of mistakes but here’s our current pet list:  1 mystery snail, 5 serpae minors, 2 neons, 9! kuhli loaches, 1 long finned bristlenose pleco. The kuhlis got happy last year and made 6 additional loaches that we rehomed to a friend. So far we have lost 1 pleco, 4 neons and a kuhli, and had to offer 1 serpe for adoption for a bad attitude. Trying to learn and excited to join this community! We want the best for our fish. We want to change the substrate in our tank to sand and welcome any advice!




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