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Posts posted by RealAlan

  1. After changing the water in my 5 gallon cube aquascaped tank I found these mystery square eggs.  I'm suspecting Assassin Snail eggs but not sure.   If so any hints on hatching them out? 
    I'm an Assassin Snail daddy!  I just spotted about 4 baby Assassin snails!!!!   



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  2. One thought I just had, if looking for a local person who could take over or be willed to.  There is a great local community driven forum called Nextdoor join the group if there is one in your area.  Start conversations about fish tanks and see who is out there, you might be pleasantly surprised by the whole experience.

    One of the options I've thought about is checking with the local senior centers or family services centers to see if they would like the tank as a donation.  But unfortunately at this time I do not have the time to deal with it.  But again that could be an option too.  

    I hope you can find peace about it soon. 

  3. Well I just had to deal with this sort of...  My neighbor 3 doors down passed away a couple of weeks ago, unexpectedly.  

    I knew about his fish tank because he was inspired by mine to get his.  I left a note of condolences for his daughter and my contact if she needed help with the fish tank.  

    I took all of the ~40 fish (mostly tetras) out and emptied the tank for her(him).  She offered me the tank 75 gallon, but I already have a 55 gallon and it wasn't an upgrade enough for me to swap out my tank, and I don't have space for it.  It will go into the estate sale.  

    I was able to add some of his fish into my tank but there were too many.  I have the remaining fish in a temporary tank with  one of my established filters on it but it is a short term solution.  I finally found a LFS to accept them but now have to find the time to make the transfer again.  

    It can certainly be challenging.  I know my wife wouldn't know what to do if I were to be taken unexpectedly. 


  4. 20 hours ago, Jonsie said:
    My fish died. Yesterday I gave 2 spoons of Salt. And today I gave 2 more tablespoons of salt, he reacted badly .... 
    Did I give too much? Im so depressed ...



    Sorry for your loss.  Salt can help with certain situations but too much for too long can have ill effects as well.   We all make mistakes, more is not always the answer.  Each kind of fish comes with its own set of challenges it takes time to get it right, losing fish in the beginning of aquaria goes with the territory, you'll get better at it.  


  5. Jonsie, from my experience with goldfish sometimes you get a fish that at some point is just going to have issues.  Breeders usually try to cull out the weak fry and sometimes missed the weak fry last longer and make it to you.  When it comes to selective breeding in goldfish there is a sort of a compaction of their organs to get a desired shape, it works for some and not for others in the same batch.   Don't take it too personally.  As a rule of thumb I always added a generous tablespoon of kosher salt per 5 gallons every time I did a water change. High salt treatments are usually for external issues and usually a dip or short exposure.  

    Goldfish eat prolifically and generate a lot of waste but they are also somewhat tolerant of these conditions compared to other fish.  But they do, do better in clean water.  But it seems your water parameters were in check.  A well rounded diet helps goldfish, duckweed or other leafy vegetables help a lot too.  And it is rather important I've found, that you want to soak your dry food as often as you can.  They tend to eat fast and gulp air which can lead to problems.  Sometimes bloodworms can help alleviate this.  Goldfish are horrible beggars for food don't be afraid to under feed them because usually we over feed them.  Don't be afraid to over filtrate ie bigger than suggested filters with goldfish the usual tank suggestions for filters are based on smaller community fish.    Also I've found that Dropsy can be very common with goldfish.  Also know the full growth size of the species of goldfish you keep because some of them can get rather large and quickly outgrow their tank size, when you have several of them.  

    Goldfish are very cool and often underrated or dismissed by some aquarium keepers. heck they even used as feeder fish.  Don't get discouraged but embrace the joy of keeping goldfish.  I think they're among the fishes with the most personality.  

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  6. I would think that a 100W heater in each of your 20s and the sump would keep a consistent temperature, it would not let any of the zones to get below temp and throw them out of wack.  You've got a total of 85-90 gallons however you are not trying to heat it as much only 10f-11F.  And yes covering the tanks help and depending on how you light the tanks can help too.  And like Cory said heating the room would be more costly.  

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  7. My 300W heater on my 55 gallon tank has been struggling to maintain my tank at 87F the room it is in gets down to 66F at night and stays ~70F during the day.  The tank backs up to an outside wall, so I just added some insulation boards behind the tank, it has helped a little.  And I do have a glass lid with two LED light strips on it all under a hood.  

    In the morning the tank can get down to 83F and it takes almost half the day to get up to 87F.  I think I should have opted for 2 x 200W heaters.  

    I have the Fluval E-300 on it.  

    FYI it is a discus tank with young discus. 

  8. Full disclosure about the sand.  Around 13 years ago when my reef tank sort of went kaput after a move.  I didn't want to spend anything on a new theme and wanted to get out of saltwater.  In sort of a disgust with it all I went down to the stream behind my house and got a bunch of gravel rocks and sand and put it in the tank and cycled it added one sword (in the picture) and added fishes I caught in the stream maybe a half dozen different species of minnows, dace, sucker fish etc.  They did really well and it looked real cool.  Until I decided to and some crayfish which I got from an Asian market.  They were the basic reddish brown ones but when they molted they turned blue.  They were really cool till they started reproducing and eating the fishes... 


  9. On 1/26/2021 at 11:21 PM, RealAlan said:

    I have a mixture of gravel and sand my crypts and sword are happy.  I like that the sand comes to the top (opposite of what I thought would happen) I like that because I like to see the fish waste on top of it and vacuum it out.  


  10. 23 hours ago, Fish Folk said:

    Beautiful! We're new to discus, but are enjoying a few. We're pretty simple with filtration. Two large sponge filters in a 55 gal, with extra air stones. We take care to keep up regular water changes, and try to stay on top of squeezing out the sponges. 

    Discus Pals.png

    Very nice!!!  Are those wild caught discus?  I like your decor, Good choice on the Vals, I want to get some corkscrew vals.  I need to break up my tank more, there is quite a bit of bullying going on now.  I added one more discus and all heck broke loose, there was a little pecking going on from time to time, now they're ganging up on the new guy and going after each other now.  

    How often are you changing your water, I find myself doing weekly changes on my 55.  I have a Penguin 350 dual bio-wheel (hacked with foam instead of cartridges), one large sponge, one Aquaclear 70 for chemical media and polishing, and an old canister filter set up for only bio media.  I clean the foam pads regularly(weekly) and the pre filter and sponge filter every other time.  I keep my tank warm 87F and they eat like mad, I've had them for about 3 months starting at 2.5" and they are now 3"-4".  

    With the introduction of hair algae I started focusing more than ever on water quality and plant nutrients.  Thankfully Seachem Excel and a few SAE & Ottos cleaned it up.   I am thinking of going over to CO2 as I have some of the equipment from being a homebrewer as well.  Too many hobbies!  LOL!  


  11. Over the years, I've had various systems from freshwater planted tanks to reef tanks.  I really enjoyed keeping fancy gold fish, archer fish, bettas, freshwater native stream fish, and now DISCUS.  Although I've been at this for 30 years, I never stop learning and am always looking to improve my system.  If there is something that can go wrong I'm sure I've done it LOL!  

    My current passion is Stendker discus I've had one for ~10 years. After she died, I ended up getting more this time, 6 altogether.  This time with more fishes I'm finding new challenges with keeping the water pristine.  I changed some of my filtration strategies, and even had black hair algae which I am nearly recovered.  

    I'm looking forward to participating in this group.  I've been enjoying Cory's Youtube videos and have bought a number of products from the Aquarium Co-op store as well.  

    This is my tank currently, I plan to add more driftwood and rearrange the plants some.  

    I hope to find some of you discus fans out there.  

    Discus tank.jpg

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