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Posts posted by Mariarosefishlover

  1. Hi, this is my very first Forum I've ever participated in 😊  last year I started out with a betta in a bowl, then I researched and found out how bad a bowl is for a Betta, so I got a 5 gallon tank - then a 10 gallon tank and some corydoras and neon tetras. I got another 5 gallon tank and another betta with a few more corydoras. Still want more, so I got a 20 long and some beautiful black Ruby Barb's, Cherry Barb's.  Long story short I had five fish tanks going, which is a lot of work. So I decided to get a 55 gallon tank and set it up on cinder blocks and 2 X 6's.  I have researched and it says that only the Four Corners need to be supported, my question is how much of the four corners? After I set everything all up, I noticed it wasn't flush and was able to put a piece of paper between the corner of the tank and the wood. Now the tank is on half-inch thick pieces of wood that are the width of the tank, 13 inches, but only 1 and a 1/2 in to the length of the tank, 48 long.  I have watched Cory's videos stating only the corners need to be supported, I'm just wondering if that's enough support. The width of the tank is supported but only 1  1/2 inches for the length of the tank on either side.  I hope that makes sense, I don't know how to insert a photo. I have to say the tank looks gorgeous the way I set it up, I'm just worried about the Integrity of the tank.

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