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Posts posted by Nomad

  1. So here is the situation. A few days ago my Nerite snails(of which I have two) were doing their thing and cleaning the glass when I went to bed. The next morning I found them on their backs on the sand at the bottom of the tank. Their feet did come out but they didn't do anything to flip over or right themselves. I got concerned so I moved them to a more open space to monitor them but they haven't moved from where I placed them and one of them has flipped on it's side. I just rescaped their tank but the shrimp I have in there with them are doing fine. I'm starting to get worried. Are they okay?

  2. So a 10 gallon medium to heavy planted tank with large piece of driftwood and some rocks and stuff. For the critters 1 Nerite snail, 6 Amano Shrimp, 5 Celestial Pearl Danios, and a Betta. Thoughts?

  3. So I am planning out a tank and have already decided on most of the fish but am looking for ideas for a center piece fish. Its a ten gallon planted tank and I am already getting 2 nerite snails, 10 chili rasboras, 6 black neon tetras and some blue velvet shrimp but am wondering if there is a really colorful solo fish I could get. Betta? Guppy? Thoughts?

  4. Ok so I'm looking for some input on the fish I am getting. Ok so I have a 10 gallon kit tank(Filter, Heater, Light) and I plan on doing a planted tank. I have a great piece of driftwood and a cool rock I'm using for hardscape. Now to the fish. I was going to get some nerite snails(2), blue velvet shrimp, chili rasboras(10), and black neon tetras(6)? To much? Not enough? Other fish to add later? Thoughts? 

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