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Posts posted by ChrissyV

  1. So, they are dying in quarantine. Treated with GC, ER, and IckX. My quarantine tank was set up with media from a well established tank. This time, they are in quarantine with neons, plays, and one bristlenose. All other species are doing fine. It’s only the rummynose dying off. 

    pH of our well water is 7.4-7.6. Nitrite, nitrate, and ammonia are fine. Soft water with moderate alkalinity. Maybe they don’t like soft water. I’m going to look it up. 

  2. I have now bought 2 schools of rummynose from 2 different suppliers. 20 each time. Some DOA and the rest dying off shortly thereafter. Has anyone else had this problem?  Are they too fragile to ship?  Are the genetics too inbred/bad breeding stock?  Or do I just have bad luck?  What’s the deal? I love them, but they aren’t surviving. Thanks!

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