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  1. I was thinking about that but everything I read about carpeting plants says that sand is the worst substrate I could use.
  2. Hey Everyone, new here to the co op forum hope everyone is doing well and staying safe. I have a quick question that I can’t find any answers on when I search the internet. So I have a planted angelfish tank (60 gallon) and when I set it up I wasn’t planning on having plants but that all changed. Any how I have lots of Java fern glued to manzanita wood and some anubais nana petit on the bigger rocks and some moss glued to the manzanita as well. I would love to try my hand in some dwarf hair grass or Monte Carlo for a nice carpet with injecting co2 I have everything including the co2 but I know I have to have planted substrate for the lush carpet to grow in. I currently have about an inch and a half of fine white sand and want to swap it out for some eco complete or fluval Brand or even Seachem brand substrate. Any ideas on how to do it without breaking down the tank? I know I can sweep the sand out with a small hand broom but can I add the substrate to let’s say 6 or 8 inches of water? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! Greg
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