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Posts posted by Jackpjake

  1. Thanks all for the replies! She is pooping well, had a white poop yesterday but it was very solid and i had just fed them their weekly peas. Spent all day in front of the tank investigating. I think she is just stressed, One of my males has been super aggressive today, had noticed a slight increase lately but hadn’t spent enough time observing not at feeding time. Sadly, I may have to move my honey gourami out. Not sure why but they seem to be stressing him out and he has been going after them and the female especially hard today. 

  2. I don’t have any before pictures of her up close, it is not a balloon molly. She is acting normal other than being fat, eating extremely well, more than everyone except my other pregnant molly, and no pineconing to indicate dropsy. I know livebearers can withhold fry if they are stressed, i have a 10 gallon with nothing in it I could move her too, but I’m worried moving her would just stress her more. Thanks again!


  3. Hey all, first time on this forum, i have a pregnant molly who just passed 7 weeks since her last batch of fry, she has been fat for about 4 weeks and is currently super swollen, she has had a white spot near her anal fin for at least a week and a half now. Was wondering if I should be concerned at this point and what to do going forward. She is in a 30 gallon community tank with 6 Cory catfish, two male and two other female golden panda female mollies: water is 78 degrees, ph fluctuates between 7.5 and 8 but is always between those. Ammonia and nitrite at 0 and nitrates are currently about 30 ppm an i try to keep them between 20-40.

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