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Posts posted by Kmartel

  1. Thank you everyone. We set up another 10gallon and moved the babies over with a seeded sponge filter. Parents seem bummed out to have the babies moved out but it’s likely for everyone’s own good. Lost a couple the night before when I made the post but still have 30 happy healthy little buggers growing out in their new nursery for the time being. Fingers crossed the parents are successful once again! Great group here, very thankful to have the access and participation of everyone here! 

  2. I have a pair of double dose Philippine blue angels that I need some help with. They have been incredible parents after their 5th try. Raising about 50-60 fry, some veiled and some Reg and they have laid again for the second time since having a successful batch they they have raised to a tad under dime size. The first time they laid after the successful fry, dad was steering the fry towards the eggs and almost encouraging them to eat the eggs. I was concerned to say the least once I saw they laid again, but there was no downside after all. This time the fry are much larger and I fear that the parents may kill the fry to protect the new eggs. So far they have not, but they are not herding the fry to food or showing any parental signs whatsoever. My question is if we should pull the fry or parents and put them in our 75gal community to ensure the babies get to grow up... thank you in advance, just do not want to lose the fry. 

    photos/ vids by request. 

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