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Posts posted by Michow

  1. Progression. Both sides have large ulcers. The base of the top fin is almost gone. I will probably have to euthanize this one. He stayed the same for a very long time. But once things changed they changed fast. He's separated from the others for now.


  2. Hey Adam, thanks for the thoughtful insight as always. It's been about 15 days since I had put any meds in the tank. I also quit the salt and the pimafix and melafix. I was really close to calling quarantine done, but today his little body just erupted in large white patches (beyond what he had before) and then it's like his skin is falling off of him. It's sad to see an oto by himself but I isolated him from the others for now. 

    My last parameters I did Dec 14: Temp 76 F, pH 7.5, Amm 0, Nitrite 0.25, Nitrate <5ppm (not 0 but lighter than the next step), GH 6, KH 3, Phos 0.25, TDS 226

    I got so busy with everything this past week and I had to do 50% water change every other day for the last three changes. I was hoping that the cycle had recovered enough to allow some lax, but now I wonder if that caused the unfortunate turn in this little guy.

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  3. This is what that fish looks like now. Not getting much worse, but not much better. The base of the dorasal fin doesn't have white bumps anymore, but looks raw and pink. The side white patch is still there and has fine fluff coming out. 

    So far I don't see stuff like the on the other fish so that's good. 

    Image_2020-12-13 09_52_20_160.JPG

    Image_2020-12-13 09_50_35_869.JPG

  4. I'm really not finding anything on the internet that looks EXACTY like these guys. They kind of look like planaria...but not completely. They don't look like most pictures of detritus worms. 

    I would like to try to breed nano fish and shrimp but these guys have me worried. I don't know if I should leave them or try to get rid of them.

  5. Do you think these things are planaria? I tried to attach a video, but I could only figure out how to attach pictures. I think I got these pretty early when I started getting into the hobby this July so they are in all of the tanks I have currently. They have stayed pretty small. Maybe 1-3 mm total? 

    Also I think the cyclops are cute.

    Image_2020-12-08 07_59_08_520.JPG

    Image_2020-12-08 07_59_03_199.JPG


  6. Thanks everyone. Sincerely thank you! I do think the white bumps on the top fin could be something, but it's hard to say on the side patch. It looks much whiter in person. Somehow it always tones down in photos so I guess it must be a reflection thing.

    I put this on some Facebook groups too. So far it sounds like most people are suggesting to wait, hold off on treating with medicine, and to observe if it gets better or worse. One person suggested running a UV sterilizer in the background for now. That sounded like a good idea, proactive but prehaps less stressful for the fish than medicine. I ordered one so I'm just waiting for it come it.

    I'm going to keep offering lots of foods. And I'll keep doing 50% water changes until either the BB recover and take over or quarantine is over and the fish can head to their new home!

  7. This is my first post here so I hope all of the pictures come across okay. I am in the middle of the quarantine process with 11 otocinclus catfish and I need advice on how to proceed.  I received the fish November 18th and housed them in a 10 gallon just for quarantine. When we are done with quarantine, they are going to a planted 55 gallon that was setup just for them.

    Currently, most of the oto cats are settled in quite well: rich dark colors, eating a variety of foods, full bellies, shoaling with each other, etc. Little Cat B (in pictures below) had some fin rot, but after I started API Triple Sulfa treatment it resolved so quickly and I can’t tell it apart anymore.

    However, there is one fish that troubles me, I named him Little Cat A (in pictures below).  He has a white patch on his left side. There was a tiny red spot in the center, I had to use a microscope at 50x magnification to see a hint of it. We are 6 days in with treating everyday with Triple Sulfa and I’m not seeing much improvement. The open wound is gone but the white patch is still there. Also, not there are some white bumps at the base of his dorsal fin. Other than appearance he is acting the same as the other fish which has me very hopeful.

    Should I continue treating the whole tank with Triple Sulfa or should I move onto something else like API Furan-2? Furan-2 has the same drug as Ick cure but without the Malachite Green that scaleless fish are sensitive to.


    More details

    Fish species: Otocinclus huaorani

    Arrived:  November 18th, 2020

    They will eat: cucumber, spinach, kale, bell pepper, zucchini, Northfin Kale wafers, Fluval Bugbite Algae Crisps, Sera Spirulina Tabs, Repashy Soilent Green gel-form. They eat very well.


    Water Parameters with dates:

    Tank temperature: 77.5-79.1°F






    Day of Quarantine






    Water Change

    100 single

    25 daily

    100 single

    50 daily









































    Dated Log:

    17-Nov Day -1 – Did a 100% water change to the tank before arrival. This tank had been a plant quarantine tank for 6 months. Then 1 month before I had used it to quarantine some Glo-Tetras using the Aquarium Coop trio method. That quarantine only lasted a week. Used it for holding plant cuttings in between and allowed algae to grow in preparation for otos.

    18-Nov Day 0 – Otocinclus huaorani fish arrived. Drip acclimated them to the quarantine tank water. Then hung the specimen container inside the tank to allow the temperature to acclimate.

    19-Nov Day 1 – Started first round of medications: API General Cure and API E.M. Erythromycin as well as Melafix and Pimafix. Continued treatment for 4 days. 25% water change daily.

    23-Nov Day 5 – Did a 100% water change after testing and finding Ammonia in the tank. Added ½ dose of Aquarium Salt to the whole tank. Started doing 50% water changes after this to mitigate presence of Ammonia due to killing BB with medications. Added Seachem Equilibrium.

    24-Nov Day 6 – Started API Triple Sulfa medication. Continued Melafix, Pimafix, Equilibrium, and ½ dose Aquarium Salt with 50% water changes.

    26-Nov Day 8  – Decided to stop adding ½ dose Salt to the water changes to let the salinity decrease gradually.

    29-Nov Day 11 – All Fish are rich in color except for Little Cat A (see picture). Little Cat A acts normal, but has a white patch on left side and bumps on base of dorsal fin.

    30-Nov Day 12 – I have been using Triple Sulfa for 6 days at this point.  Still 50% water change every day with added Seachem Equilibrium.


    Treatments used:

    Day 1 to 5: API General Cure (250 mg Metronidazole,  75 mg Praziquantel) and API E.M. Erythromycin (200 mg Erythromycin),  5 mL Melafix and 1 mL Pimafix

    Day 6 to 11+: API Triple Sulfa (664 mg Sodium Sulfathiazole, 168 mg Sodium Sulfamethazine, 168 mg Sulfacetamide)


    Treatments considering:

    API Furan-2 (85 Nitrofurazone)

    API Super Ick Cure (60 mg Nitrofurazone, 3.6 mg Malachite Green)



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