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Posts posted by KSqONE

  1. Hi all

    I have 2 pea puffers in a 10 gallon tank (1 male, 1 female, planning to get more females). Recently there has been some breeding activity (without any results unfortunately) so the female has been chased around a lot by the male. That is why I'm trying to get hold of 1 or 2 more females to spread the males attention a little. The last week or two the female has lost some weight, she's still eating but not as much as before it seems. The most obvious thing though is 2 very small white dots under her mouth. I was thinking stress ich at first but it doesn't seem to spread and more importantly, the two spots are 100% symmetrical to each other on both sides, which is pretty interesting. I've tried treating with salt, Levamisole and a med for bacterial and fungal infections (in that order, not all at once). I'm in Europe so the med trio is not an option unfortunately. Right now I have elevated the temperature to 82 °F (28°C). Does anybody have any idea what this could be? 




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