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Posts posted by johncondor

  1. Greetings! I've been watching Cory's youtube videos for over a year now and running my 5 gallon for almost as long. Two weeks ago was the 1-Year mark for this five gallon. Looking back through some pictures it feels like I've been through a lot since then - mostly plants... The creatures have thankfully stayed the same - or have grown at least!

    We've got:

    - 7 white clouds - a mix of the bog-standard variety and a couple gold-ish ones - including one that is offspring of the original six

    - 1 sort of helpful amano shrimp named Tony-Tina (pre-schooler naming committee FTW!)

    - 1 very helpful nerite snail named Beatrice

    My main concern is plants! I've got through a fair number of diebacks - some with known causes - over enthusiastic pruning of taiwan moss; others remain a mystery - like the anubias I had that basically melted and died right away. A recent addition of some luwigia repens seemed to mark the start of a big die off of plants in the tank. The two images are about a month apart, with the sparser one from today. There had been lots of great java fern growth over time - hoping to get some of that back.

    I've got some plants on their way from Aquarium Coop as I type, as well as some root tabs. Hope some more consistent feeding will help in making a happier environment for the plants. Everyone else seems to be doing just fine. If you're really eagle-eyed, you can see all the denizens of the tank in the "cleaner" pic.

    Looking forward to being part of the community.





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  2. Greetings! Just found out about this forum from the podcast. I'm thrilled to be in the community and plan to share an intro later, but I'm trying to get an answer to a question so I can finish up a plant order!

    Between the Easy Root Tabs and Easy Green, which would be best for a five gallon tank? I'm planning on planning some vals and possibly amazon sword. Some simple stuff that can provide some cover for the fish and be nice to look at.

    Can I get away with just root tabs? If Easy Green is geared to be 1 pump for 10 gals, can you get half a pump?

    The tank has been running for about a year. I've had some mixed luck with plants thus far. No additional ferts beyond the bio-load from 6 white clouds, a nerite, and one happy amano shrimp. I had some taiwan moss that went crazy, I trimmed back and then it died. Live and learn!


    Thanks all!

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