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Posts posted by EdgeAquatics

  1. My my male krib has been hiding behind the filter for the past 3 days. His color is good, and he comes out to eat, but he wont come out from there. Is there a chance that he has just become comfortable in this "cave"? The female also chases him quite regularly, but I expected that because she has definitely chosen a spawning location. 

    If anyone has any info please let me  know!

    P.S. - The attached photo is the female in front of the driftwood she uses as a cave.


  2. 2 hours ago, RyanR said:

    I have a 20 long I'm going to setup in a week or so for Neolamprologus Mmultifasciatus (shell dwellers).  I can't wait.  I've heard that are very fun to watch.

    I just saw those at my LFS! I really want to start a tank of them as soon as my wife and I get moved into a new apartment. 

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  3. 23 hours ago, Kieflow said:

    What kind of fish do you recommend?

    I would recommend zebra danios, as they tend to race back and forth across the whole length of the tank, and then stock the lower third with some corys. That way there will be some separation since the danios can be kinda aggressive.

    You could also do some tetras and a pair of apistogramma borelli, with Corydoras as well. The apistos will definitely use the full footprint and and the tetras will act as dithers to keep them both active and docile. 

  4. I have a betta that no matter where I’m sitting or looking into my tank he will swim as close to where I am as he can. I was watching a small colony of cyclops in the back of my tank and he just came over to watch with me:)


    (forgive the photo quality but I didn’t want to scrub the glass back there as the cyclops have made their home)


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  5. My name is Eliot and Im from the Northwestern US. I only have one tank right now as my apartment complex only allows 10 gallons or less, but before I moved I was working on several breeding projects and building out my first fish room. Today I have a 7.1 gallon Aquatop cube tank which is home to a black samurai betta named Alex, and an Amano shrimp named Simon.



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