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  1. So I went back to my local store and got a discounted tank so I have set up a hospital tank and dosed it with api super ich cure. I appriciate your kind words about my care for them, that means a lot. But now I am stressed about over dosing on the meds UGH! Im going to add some salt to the other tank preventatively incase anybody else is infected and not presenting yet. I am sure now its ich since he does look like he was dipped in salt. I hope the meds work and I don't lose him! Thank you so much
  2. Ill go pick up both now, I just did a 30% water change and added my aqueon conditioner which says to detox ammonia and nitrites. What would you say qualifies as an emergency? I'm trying so hard to take good care of these guys, I love them so much. I feel like I am failing them by not knowing enough. I can't put him in a quarantine tank due to lack of funds and resources. I just worry I am going to do something wrong and hurt them by not treating the ich immediately and itll spread to my other corys. I am also going to turn up the heat.
  3. Hi guys! Thank you for all your help, I got home from classes today and decided to look at him very closely and I am now convinced it ick. I see tiny white spots that look almost shiny but that may have been my light. Its hard to tell with him being albino. Any ideas there? They are more noticeable today then yesterday when I thought I saw something but wasn't sure.
  4. You are awesome! I will continue to work on the water quality. Im new to the site so I am unsure how to ask them, will they just reply to your tag?
  5. Awesome I will definitely do a higher water change and add some prime. Should I treat my whole tank for the flukes or just the one cory? Thank you so much for this information and article, I will pick up some meds, do you recommend treating the whole tank or just the one cory? I really appriciate the effort you have put in to helping me. Thank you so very much.
  6. I will definitly do a larger water change, my local store told me to avoid large water changes as it can mess with the cycling process but it is truly worth a try so I will do that. Anything I can do to treat the flukes? I also see that epsom salt can help but I would love your advice. Hi tony thank you for replying! I have been adding seachem stability to the tank every day. I was told not to over use prime as it can bind the ammonia and nitrites and pause the cycling process. Any other advice on that? I really appriciate you getting back to me 🙂
  7. Hi fish friends! So I have an albino cory who is fairly new to me, and he is displaying some issues. He seems to almost have a coating on him and his shine is quite dull. I have three other corys with him and they are all fine and happy. Sadly I had to do an fish in cycle due to unforeseen circumstances. He also has been lethargic and I do not believe he has been eating but I am not 100% sure, may just be me not observing him actively eating. The darker picture is my healthy albino and the brighter pictures are the cory I am concerned about. Also they eyes look weird because of my flash being on to get a good picture, his eyes look normal. He also has a tiny tiny red spot on his head but its very very small. I can't find anything to help me figure this out, so any and all ideas and suggestions are greatly appreciated. Ammonia 0ppm Nitrite 2ppm (high I know I have been dosing well with stress guard and am working on it and it was an emergency situation to do a fish in cycle along with daily 10% water changes) Ph 7.5 Temp 78-80
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