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  1. I only have a 20 gallon for now, so going to stick with smaller preferably nano.
  2. Been running a a monitor for the last few days and it looks like a low of 65 and a high of 70. I imagine there will be a lower low and high once we get into fall and winter.
  3. Home office, but it is in my basement and the temperature is significantly colder than the rest of my house I'm thinking fish 1.5 in and below since it is a smaller tank and that size would allow me to keep a larger stock
  4. @Woowala Are you talking about Forktail Blue-Eyes? I would like to go with something a little smaller to have a larger stock.
  5. I've been doing some more reading on the Rainbow Shiners and it does seem to be that they can get aggressive. I may just add Celestial Pearl Danios and cherry shrimp. I read that Celestial Pearl Danios like daphnia which I've never tried to raise. I have had a lot of luck with scuds in the past, but they may be to big to fit in a Celestial Pearl Danio mouth. I see that there is a guide to raising daphnia and I can probably fit a 5g under the stand, maybe I'll give that a try once I get closer to purchasing fish.
  6. Panda corys look great, but I will probably need to confirm my office stays within an acceptable temperature.
  7. Around five years ago I stopped keeping fish, at the time I had a 75g planted aquarium with an assortment of community fish. Recently I've decided to get back into the hobby and in preparation for that I ordered a UNS 60U which is a 20 gallon aquarium. I need to confirm what my office temperature range is, but at the moment I'm considering running the aquarium without a heater. I did a little research and found that Rainbow shiners, Celestial Pearl Danios, and Cherry shrimp may be good candidates for this aquarium. Another suggestion is the Hillstream Loach, but I am likely to keep the algae growth on the front and back to a minimum since I would like to keep a nice aquascape with a light background. Are there any other suggestions for fish?
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