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  1. That's reassuring! I also appreciate your advice on taking things slow. As exciting as it seems to get everything to how we envision it, I think getting to add things in later will be super fun.
  2. Wow, that sounds like quite an adventure! My kids like the way they look under normal light. As for the decorations, we're already starting to see that! Hopefully the snails and pleco will help?
  3. First post from someone who has learned a lot from everyone's generous advice on the forum. I'm hoping to get some thoughts on how to continue to build out our tank. It's a 40-gallon breeder with an Aquaclear 50 filter. We've completed our fishless cycle and introduced 8 diamond tetras, an albino bristlenose pleco, and two zebra nerite snails. What to add next? We will almost certainly add 6+ glofish danios (kid's pick). I'm also thinking that a small school of corys (w/ a sandbox enclosed by large rocks) would be a fun addition to add interest at the bottom of the tank. But I'm bit concerned that 8 diamond tetras, 1 bristlenose pleco, 6+ glofish danios, and 6+ corys be too much (perhaps especially so for beginners). That said, according to aqadvisor, it would be about 53% stocked. Any advice or thoughts would be much appreciated! I'd also love any advice on which cory species would be best (in terms of size and standing out against a black substrate).
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