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  1. Thanks for that info it’s kinda disappointing that the fish store gave me wrong information . I chose these because I like them but what he told me about it was wrong
  2. I went to the local tropical fish store and bought a few blue jelly shrimp I was speaking with the owner and he practically gave me this betta . I have no idea what type of betta it is at the store in the little cup he just looked all white with specks of black but now his color seems to be changing his ventral fins look like they are just curled staying to the body is this normal if someone can let me know if there is anything I can do and tell me what kind of betta this is under the light his colors look crazy !!
  3. Thank you. I guess it was that bga after i cleaned it out this morning I checked right now and the smell is gone thank you all and @tlindsey ur right now that I think of it it was more of that fresh soil smell
  4. I’ve only done 2 water changes probably 15%-25% each time I’ve been checking the water and it’s been fine
  5. Tony s. U responded to my other post I’m the one that started a new tank and have no idea what’s going on thank you so much for your involvement as you and the others in this community is really helping. I am two and a half weeks in and not sure if I’m cycled yet as stated in my other post ( asking about my levels and the roots growing from my stem plants ) but yes this is my first set up ever and am trying to learn my goal for this is I have one snail in here right now would like one betta and a few shrimp This is what it looks like now
  6. Thank you!!! I saw also saw a video from co op saying I can use a toothbrush .. I’m guessing since I’ve got the majority of it off I can just rinse my filter tomorrow and should be fine ??
  7. Bga?? Is that harmful to my tank??
  8. Is this what you’re talking about ??? Only one piece of my hardscape has it the rest of it is fine . If so what is the best way to get rid of it
  9. Was cleaning my tank today and noticed it smells just like a bag of fertilizer you just opened tested the water and levels are good nothing has changed and no spikes wanted to ask if this is normal
  10. Thank you I just have the test strips and it dose not have ammonia tester on it so the only thing I was able to see was nitrite and nitrate I guess I’m getting confused because I haven’t tested for ammonia and was not seeing any nitrite in my testing. So I wasn’t sure how long to wait before adding a little fish. And for the stem plants is there anything I can do to help prevent the roots growing like that ? I’m just curious as none of the stem plants at the store or setups I’ve seen online have the roots like that but like u said everywhere I read says it’s completely normal
  11. Hey guys I finally pulled the trigger and set up my first tank just followed what I’ve been watching on YouTube and google searches. I’m on my second week trying to cycle the tank but I have no idea how it should be at this point I’ve added seachem prime, clarity and api QuickStart. I’ve also been ghost feeding maybe 2 times a week. At first the nitrate would get up to about 50 ppm then I would to a 25% water change only had to do this twice now nitrate show around 10ppm I’ve never seen any nitrite in my testing. I have one mystery snail in there and that’s it. Now some of my plants are growing roots from the stems not sure what to do about them. To be honest I don’t even know what plants I have in there I went to the local store and they had a deal so that’s what I went with. Can some please let me know if all this is normal or is there some changes I have to make. Thank you
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