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  1. So I did it. Cleared out the gravel yesterday, ended up being about a 50% water change, put in the sand today. Stable parameters, but I added purigen to try to clear the water from everything only to realize the damn bag had a hole in it, so now there’s purigen balls scattered all over the new sand. Should I be concerned about the cories eating them? There’s no decor or plants in the tank for now, sitting in buckets of dechlorinated water and I can barely see enough to attempt a sand vac. Any suggestions are appreciated.
  2. I wish I could find Fritz zyme 7 locally. Would safestart plus suffice?
  3. 9 cories, moneywort, a sword, rock and driftwood with Anubias/java fern. Used co-op root tabs previously
  4. So I set up a 20 gallon long tank over a month ago, did fishless cycle and was finally ready for fish last week. Fell in love with some Corys and took them home. I let my three-year-old daughter do some of the initial decorating and now I realize that they would probably do much better with sand instead of the top fin black and rainbow gravel that we have. I was just wondering if changing it all at once would be a shock to the fish or the cycle or if I should just change to sand incrementally? Considering Caribsea sunset gold or Seachem fluorite black sand
  5. Noticed these markings on new corys in our new tank. Doesn’t appear to be acting any differently than the others. Was transferring and one of them got stuck in the net and fell out into the bucket that was catching the LFS water. Wondering if this is that particular Cory. If so, any particular remedies or anything I should be keeping an eye out for?
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