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  1. Greetings all, First time posting a question here. Great to have a place for us newbies to learn. I have a 9 gallon shallow planted red cherry shrimp aquarium that is a month old. I just got a bacterial bloom which I know is normal and should be left alone for it to clear up on it's own. (I did add Seachem Stabilty as per the advice from my local store) All in all, It cleared up rather quickly (in 2 days) but because I have such a shallow tank I had to do a top off (1.5 cups of dechlorinated water) in order for the sponge filter to keep working. And of course, by adding the new water it caused another mini bloom. My questions are: 1. Do I continue the top off in the same way when I need it as I have no choice? Should I maybe use distilled water for a top off since it has less nutrients to feed the bacteria? Any other ideas? Thank you so much!
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