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  1. Tony s, I will use those ratios and check out the site. Thank you for your help! Very Respectfully, Rad
  2. Thank you Tlindsey and Tony S for taking the time to read my post and replying! Tlindsey, I plan to do a fishless cycle where I put a frozen shrimp in a ziploc bag with a few holes in it, let it sit in the tank for a bit until the ammonia starts to build up then take it out. I also have the API quick start that I plan to add in, as well. Very Respectfully, Rad Tony S, The initial thought was honey gouramis because they are a good yellow color and almost everyone I see speaks highly of them for beginners. Corys were not the first thought - originally, I wanted Kuhli Loaches but the wife said they reminded her too much of snakes 😂However, we both agreed Corys would be good companions for the Honey Gouramis and would be great for minor clean up and showing activity towards the bottom of the tank. I also wanted a small group of fish that added a good color and met parameters similar to both the Honey Gouramis and the Corys - wife and I agreed upon clown killifish. I will try out the 1 inch to 1 gallon rule. Probably 3 Honey Gouramis and 8 Corydora to start - the clown killifish maybe about 6-10. How many of each sex do you think I should get? 3 Honey Gourami - 1 male and 2 female? 8 Corydora - 4 male and 4 female? Very Respectfully, Rad
  3. Hello, I am new to fish keeping and have been doing a ton of research on the nitrogen cycle, what type of fish are relatively beginner friendly, and more. I think my wife and I have narrowed down what we would like. I am beginning the hobby with a 29 gallon tank and would like to put in: Honey Gourami Clown Killifish Corydora Similis How many of each type of fish do you recommend? (I'm sure the answer is "it depends" but I would like to know a good base to start since I'm new, I also don't mind doing water changes/cleaning every 1-2 weeks) Very Respectfully, Rad
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