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Yade Yavis

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  1. I used Melafix for mine and she's doing great, the growth is nearly gone and her tail(what's left of it) looks to be healing very quickly
  2. I hate to say it, but probably ramshorn
  3. Hi all! New to the fish keeping hobby as of this year, I have a 20 tall stocked with a carbon rili neocaridina breeding colony, 10 cpds(8 purchased adults with 2 middle age fry that hatched in my tank), and unfortunately, a MASSIVE infestation of ramshorn snails. I had been under the impression that pea puffers would happily eat my shrimp/lets, but now after reading more on the forums here, I'm not so sure??? Could I get a few pea puffers to replace my cpds? Also, I have a small tank(maybe a 2.5?) that is kind of my culling tank(I have a stand for a much larger tank but need a tank for it and plan on adding my muddled shrimp culls as the clean up crew as well as others), I recently acquired a pair of scarlet badis but they were not too happy with my cpds so I put them in the smaller tank for now. I have too many males in my cpd school and am trying to decide on a few different options: get a few more females and commit the tank to be a breeding tank for carbon rilis and cpds? Trade the cpds to my local fish store and get a school of pea puffers? Take the cpds and trade them for more scarlet badis? Take the scarlet badis back or keep them for when the bigger tank is ready(I really really like these guys)? Oh gosh, help lol.
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