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  1. Thank you for your reply. We do use the dechlorinator. We cycled the tank for about 4 weeks with 2 minnows. The minnows still seem to be in good health.
  2. Hi everyone, I'm sorry to report that vox got worse and worse and ended up passing away. I think he suffered quite a bit and I feel so guilty. Unfortunately red spots have started appearing on a few other guppies, and, now that I'm more aware, one seems to be starting to have a clenched tail and some have a red streak in their bodies that I'm not entirely sure were there before. Having said that, I'd like to do the quarantine thing and add aquarium salt. I did some looking around and it seems that, since I live in Canada, there is really no access to fish medicine here. My new question: if I don't have a tank and I move them to a tote, how does that work with no heater, filter, good bacteria, etc.? Is that OK? There would be 5 guppies in it. I would add salt to the tank itself, but we have a shrimp and a snail and aquarium plants.
  3. Hello everyone, Brand new to fishkeeping here. My daughter has been begging for fish and we finally gave in. Had her do a tonne of research to learn how to take the best care of our new pets. We have all as a family tried to go into this knowing what we can to make sure our fish have happy healthy lives. However, she is devastated as her favourite fish, a guppy named Vox, is really not looking good. He's a blue albino guppy. He had a beautiful shimmering tale that is now all clamped together. We've been testing levels for three days (since we noticed the problem) and ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates are coming up zero. Yesterday we did a 50% water change. This evening when we got home, we noticed the end of his tail is red and there seems to be a lot of red under the skin closer to the front of his body. He really looks like he's suffering now and I can't figure out what is wrong to try to help him. I have included pictures, but its hard to get clear ones. His tail is thin and straight and there's a red dot on the end. We have plants in the tank (10gal), 4 other guppies who seem to be doing fine, a mystery snail, and a red cherry shrimp. Unfortunately, we don't have any extra tank or anything for a quarantine. Didn't really know that was a thing until trying to research this problem. Thank you to anyone who can help.
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