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  1. Not quite rotten eggs…it does have a smell though and I cannot identify it. I do weekly water changes of 25-30% water and all of my plants and fish are alive
  2. What is the difference between crushed coral, crushed oyster shell, and Aragonite? Would any of them work to raise and maintain pH? Any cons to any of them?
  3. It is well water that I have. My tap water reads: gH: 0 (I can adjust that with sea chem equilibrium) NO3: 0 NO2: 0 Cl: 0-0.8 kH: 360 (This one turned dark right away so it’s likely higher) pH: 8.0- 8.4 (See picture to decide what it looks like)
  4. pH: 6.4 or lower? (Color on test strip is lighter than the 6.5 coloring) gH: 200 kH: 0 Cl: 0 NO3: 0 NO2: 0 Temperature: 78-80 degrees Fahrenheit It may have been the pH or the fact that the male Molly was bullied by the other two females? Today the fish are skiddish and the cories are lethargic and hide
  5. I think I am losing fish to an acidic pH. My test strip says it is lower than 6.5 and I just lost a fish this morning! I have been frantically trying to research ways to either neutralize or increase the pH but some products have conflicting reviews. So far I have looked at: - Baking Soda: While cheap, I have been told it will have other adverse effects and increase the pH too fast. - Tetra brand Correct pH: This is also fairly cheap…do you get what you pay for? - API pH up: mixed reviews on whether or not it’s safe with live plants and I would probably also have to buy pH down too - Seachem Neutral Regulator: Some say it’s great and some say it made their tank cloudy and killed all of their fish. -Seachem Alkaline and Acid buffer: Two separate products that are NOT cheap - Crushed Coral: Sounds good for many reasons but it is only available in large bags in which I do not need and it’s kind of spendy. This tank has been running for almost 2 years. I have mollies, cories, nerites, and live plants. I use RO water as other water in my neighborhood is likely not safe for aquarium fish. Any and All advice would be greatly appreciated! I don’t want to spend a million dollars as I have too many other products I spent money on, and used once. Thank You!
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