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  1. I tested twice before water change and twice after water change. api kit tested roughly 80ppm nitrates(a dark red color) before and after the water change i even tested just my tap water to see if the solution bottles might have been bad but showed 0ppm nitrates on my tap water I made sure to shake the solutions and vials for the times it says in the instructions and no change… will check again tomorrow and post results Thankyou(:
  2. I’ve had my tank set up for a little over 2 months now and have had a steady 25ppm of nitrates the whole time according to the multi test strips from aquarium co-op. I broke out the api test kit just to double check all my readings and for some reason the api kit is reading 80ppm nitrates but the multi test strips are reading 0ppm now… I did a 50% water change and re tested with the api kit and test strips and still 80ppm nitrates for api and 0ppm for test strips. Do I trust the test strips or the api liquid test?? The api kit also says it doesn’t expire until 2028 so it should be fine tank is a 12 gal cube with just a king betta, 3 snails and temporarily a bushy nose pleco
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