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  1. So what should I do after I do all that and the blue thing in the betta fish gill is still there? @Colu And also I though aquarium salt should of kill any parasites at 1 tsp per gallon @Colu
  2. He’s like a normal betta he’s active there seem to be nothing wrong with him he just sleep a lot the only thing weird about him is his gills and there no white string poop and he eats his food without spitting it out and he has no rapid breathing either and he has not lost appetite he still very energetic when he see food @Colu No there no unusual behavior that I can see except for him sleeping a lot @JE47 I also give more detailed on it in my newest disease forum upload @Colu
  3. Water parameters is perfect for a betta fish everything is check out he’s like every other normal betta fish except for the fact that I see him sleep more than my other betta fish, and the blue things in his gills it move back and forth at the same time as his breathing patterns, and is only his left, and I figured that that’s not his beard, so can someone please help me figured out what that is and if it is deadly, if you want a more clear version I have a video that I can show just let me know, and I tried the 1 tsp of aquarium salt for 2 gallon of water and then pump it up for 1 tsp of aquarium salt per gallon I did that for 2 weeks but nothing help it won’t go away and I tried to use the mirror for him to flare but it looks like is somehow attached to his gills.
  4. I look it up my water parameter is perfect for a betta fish and my aquarium has been cycle for 3 weeks before I bought the betta fish @Whitecloud09
  5. I just bought this betta fish about 1 week ago I saw this on the left side of it face and I don’t know if this is just his beard or some type of fungo infection or parasite and is only on the left side I tried to use aquarium salt for 5 days and it did not go away can someone please help me identify what this is
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