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  1. Thanks for the info! There’s actually no redness at the site, the pics are a little misleading. There’s definitely a lump on that side though. I have maracyn on hand but not maracyn 2. Do you think I should definitely order and treat with maracyn 2?
  2. Hi all- New to the site and was looking for some help ID’ing what is on my gudgeon fish. I had two gudgeons and the first one died after having the same growth/parasite? This pic is of my current fish who just developed what I thought might be gill flukes but I honestly have no idea. The fish is eating and is nice and fat. I am currently on day 3 after dosing the tank with Fritz PraziCleanse and whatever this is hasn’t changed at all since dosing. Please let me know what you guys think and if you need any other info. Thanks in advance!
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