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  1. Should I leave the dead fish in there to be eaten are remove it. I have 6 Bala sharks and a dinosaur eel. I am not sure what killed it are how it died as the catfish usually stay in the back of the tank unseen.
  2. Is there anything I should be concerned about N03 10mg Fe 0.25mg need iron N02 .5mg Po4 higher then 2.0 don't have distilled water Cu 0 ammonium .5 gh 12 Ph 8 I plan on adding iron to help with the live plants
  3. Dang I got a breeder box if i put plants in the breeder box do you think that would make it less stressful?
  4. Will other fish eat livebearers. If so how long should I quarantine them for.
  5. I have yet to know what it looks like when a fish is pregnant. If so how long before they drop eggs
  6. Trying to avoid investing 400 in a c02 setup. Lol Thanks my kit comes Friday can't wait to see my levels. It's hard to see but that stem is almost 48 inches and was no where near that when I started
  7. I might be doing it wrong but sera looks too be German on Amazon
  8. Water hardness, PH level, Nitrate, Oxygen, Carbon, Ammonia, Phosphate Is there one test kit that does all of this? What is the best test kit? I had planned on getting some plant fertilizer but they all offer different elements and i didn't want to get a fertilizer that would increase a parameter if it was to high already.
  9. No the fish stays hungry eager to eat
  10. I have another one which is younger and he looks fine
  11. shenberry

    Angel fish

    Angel fish loosing color please help I checked my water yesterday at petco and they said the ph was slightly high and I have hard water. I applied the ph down but I doubt that made a big difference.
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