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  1. I have a fully planted tank, should I quarantine him? I was hoping I wouldn’t have to but I will if needed. He’s alone in the tank aside from a nerite snail and some bladder snails
  2. No fuzziness that I’m able to see with the naked eye or zoom from my camera. No rapid breathing, definitely no change in appetite! He hangs out by the surface frequently, but usually on one of his beds resting. He still swims around and explores as usual. The only two symptoms I have noticed are the actual white patch, and occasional flashing 😞
  3. My apologies I’m reading it now, thanks so much again for your help!! 🙂
  4. Thanks so much for answering I feel like I’ve posted everywhere possible except for this forum and this is the first genuine advice I’ve gotten!! I will turn down the temp as soon as I get home from work. Any recommendations for fungal treatments or should I keep doing Paraguard daily? and thank you! 🙂
  5. Hi all, This is my first time posting on this forum, so please let me know if there’s anything I need to fix. About 2 weeks ago now, I noticed a small white dot growing on my bettas mouth. Over the course of a few days, it grew into this line that goes down his lower lip. I would write it off as normal color change, however I have seen him flashing on occasion, which is new behavior for him. Other than these two symptoms, he is completely normal. I wanted to treat immediately because the white spot was growing fast, so I have been doing about 3/4 dose of Seachem Paraguard for about a week now. The white hasn’t grown, but also hasn’t gotten any smaller, and I saw him flashing just yesterday. I cannot figure out what this might be and if I should be treating with something else or leaving it alone! Water Parameters: pH- stable 7.6 Nitrates- 5 Hardness- 120 Nitrite- 0 Ammonia- 0 KH/Buffer- 80 Water Temperature- 80 First two pics are recent, last pic is the white dot I first noticed. Any help is GREATLY appreciated!
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