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  1. Unfortunately no extra tank. Thankfully the Ammonia went back down to zero for now but still have around 2.0ppm of Nitrites. Will be doing another water change and adding more Fritzyme. 🙏🙏🙏🙏 Hope my fish pull through.
  2. What else can I do for my fish? I've had a cycled tank for over 4 months now. Recently I've been having some issues with fish dying from various diseases etc. Most recently I was suggested to treat the tank for parasite using Expel - 2. I completed the first dose and did a water change as directed 24 hours later then added Purigen to capture the rest. After couple of days the water started getting cloudy and I made the mistake of not checking the parameters immedietly. Instead I added another Purigen to clear the water as I've done before. The next day since the water was not clearing up I checked the parameters and it looks like the medication crashed the cycle. Both Ammonia and Nitrites were present. I immedietly did 50% water change and stopped feeding. Also added Prime and Stability. 2 days later I repeated the process as Nitrites were still present. This time I also added Fritzyme 7. I will continue to monitor the parameters and do water changes as needed etc. However is there anything else I can do for the fish to ensure they survive. My Lemon pleco is starting to lose his color and my Gouramie is not looking the greatest. He has some damage to his fin. Please help me save my fish!
  3. @Colu thank you so much. How big of a water change after each treatment?
  4. @Colu thank you so much. How big of a water change after each treatment?
  5. Those 3 were the only ones in the tank, however I had 3 zebra Cory's that died few weeks back over a span of 3 weeks. No idea what the issue was either....although I know cory's are pretty particular and sensitive. The guppies were not from a chain pet store but from family owned aquarium store that we purchased fish from before. I do have a kit and I test the water regularly. The only tests I don't have is KH and GH. But will get those as well.
  6. @Cole Since not sure if parasitic or bacterial is there anything I can use that would treat both? All 3 of the fish passed today so I am worried about the main community tank and what I should do.
  7. Two of the 3 passed today. One was bloated one was kind of skinny actually so not sure. The tank temp and parameters are identical to the original tank. The high temp may have as you said triggered a bacteria to develop faster as I just treated the tank for ich maybe a week ago (aquarium salt and higher temp...only one fish got infected but treatment was a success) . Brought the temp back down to 80 over the past week. The parameters of the main tank have been good and I did regular water changes. The main tank has 2 airstines at all times and the one was still floating at the top so not sure. So now the question is should treat the whole tank with meds if in fact this was bacterial? Everyone else is doing good for now. I won't be able to get the medication mentioned until Saturday as no one in the area actually has it.
  8. I have 3 male Guppies. Had them for few weeks now. Few days ago I noticed two of them got really big bellies and one started hanging out in the corner at the top of the tank. Other 2 no other symptoms. I withheld food for 3 days and yesterday I placed all 3 Guppies in QT tank (used a lot of tank water) and added some aquarium salt. There's a sponge filter and a heater set to 80. The QT tank is not cycled but parameters from API test are Nitrite 0ppm, Ammonia 0ppm, Nitrites between 0 and 5.0ppm, PH 7.6ppm (I dont have a test for the parameters). I tried feeding them peas this morning they didn't touch it, tried baby brine shrimp I think they got a few bites in but now the other two guppies are just laying at the bottom corner and the third one still at the top kind of struggling. What else can I do for them?
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