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  1. so, my ph is about 6 from what I can tell on the water test kit strips. I plan on getting some shrimp soon and I was wondering if instead of using the crushed coral, if I could used crushed seashells, because I already have some. thank you
  2. I dont know what kind of rock this is,so i need to know that and also need to know if it is aquarium safe. I also have a piece of slate, that I soaked 24 hours how do I know when it is safe to use in a tank?
  3. after the week is it likely that he will get again sometime soon? I was planning on using him for a breeding project should I use him after he's been sick, after waiting long enough obviously. should I just get another male.
  4. the pineconing is gone, but it have only been one day, should i leave him longer?
  5. thank you but, I have tried treatments very similar to this over the years none of them have ever worked for me, so i'm not going to do them again when I have lost 10 fish already from them, I'm going to try something different. i'm going to start feeding him today, he built a bubble nest last night. and his fins aren't clamped anymore, I was planning on keeping him the hospital tank for 2 weeks, but I'm not sure if I should do less or more time. so I still need some advice on that.
  6. so, I already have the fish in question in a hospital tank. 6 gallon tank only filled with one gallon of water, 2 Indian almond leaves, 3-4 drops of methylene blue, and keeping it at 81 ish. I watched a YouTube video on this specific treatment method for dropsy. I would post a picture of the fish but the water in the tank is quite dark and you wouldn't be able to see anything. in the video they left the fish in the tank for about two weeks, I think, without changing the water. the fish in the video was on the verge of death, my fish is not, he is ever so slightly swollen, very little pinecone-y scales, and a slight bent back, clamped fins, and dull gills, nothing that serious, I'm glad I caught it early, I need to know how long I should leave in the treatment. I was thinking 1 1/2 to 2 weeks want to know others thoughts. thanks in advance
  7. Wondering if I should get this baby butt I don't know if it's healthy.Looking for advice on proper care for the babies. sorry about the bad photo
  8. I have been looking for some time for a female honey gouramis. Does anyone know where I can buy them?
  9. hello, new here. I was wondering what kind of Betta everyone else likes, personally I have two plakat Bettas, a male and female. in the past I have kept almost all the tail types I want to get all the different tail types and color patterns, I don't have the space for all the tanks, but why not dream. right? oh, and post picture of your own if you like I LOVE seeing other peoples bettas.
  10. so I have a project that I'm working on at the moment which is betta breeding. I have all the steps planed out except the separating of the males. like I have a place to sell them, breed them, raise them, feed them, but the one hiccup that I have is I am absolutely against keeping a male Betta in a cup or a female, but the females are in the tank together so I don't have to worry about that. I know your are most likely thinking that the store will sell them in cups, but this is why I LOVE my local fish store they keep them in tanks will other peaceful fish( I bought my male from here and he was in a breeder box with the angel fish because they didn't have room for him in the other tanks and he jumped out and lived with angelfish for like a week before they saw him in there. so anyway I don't know how to raise them I have a couple(3) little(.75 I think gallon)containers I would like for it to be a little bigger at least a gallon, does anyone know how I could build a small Betta rack like 10 to 12 fish( because I can off load every week to the LFS) any other tips would be greatly appreciated. thanks I really need some help pleeeeeeeease!!! :^) thanks again
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