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  1. Lis

    Sick Goldfish

    Thank you so much for the fast response. I do have a sponge filter in there and will be adding the salt now. Thank you for providing the dosage.
  2. Lis

    Sick Goldfish

    Hello, I didn't realize my Goldy was sick when I bought it. Now I've been treating it with EM Erythromycin. Something came out of it yesterday, sorry I didn't take pictures when her whole bottom was bulging out. Now she just has a huge hole that is constantly releasing puss. Today is the 2nd day of Em Erythromicin. Do you have any other advice on what I should do next and how? I do have Pimafix that I just bought yesterday but I'm not sure if adding it with em Erythromycin will cause a chemical reaction.
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