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  1. @Lennie @Colu @jwcarlson @Biotope Biologist Thanks for responding. The fish has been like this since we got him. We didn't notice it at the fish store and they didn't do returns or exchange 😞 Some of the stats for the 75 gal tank: Stock: 6 Cory catfish, 4 other discus, ~ 20 total Rasbora and Tetra schooling fish, probably some 10 or so amanos shrimps hiding. Water levels using API test kit: PH = 7, Ammonia = 0 ppm (yellow) , Nitrate = 0 ppm (yellow) Temp = 83 Feed = Vibra bites and bug bite flakes in the morning, frozen bloodworms in the evening. Water change = 25% once a week, fluval 307 filter washed once a month. Thanks again for any more advice or help! We will feed the red cover more if possible. He has been the alpha chasing everyone and we did notice he slowed down with eating, but we thought it was because the yellow panda became alpha.
  2. What do you think is wrong with this discussion? We purchased it from a LFS and it looked like this when we got home. There has been no improvement nor decline but just curious what's wrong with it. We don't think it gill flukes since it eats well and doesn't seem to "itch" it.
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