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  1. Today, we added Clifford the Big Red Betta to our 20 gallon community tank. The community consists of: 1 Male Betta, 1 orange laser corydora catfish, 5 Julii corydora catfish, 2 blue neon tetras, 6 black neons, and 4 black racer nerite snails. I will be keeping an eye out for any aggressive behavior.
  2. I want to set up a 5.5g tank with peace lily planted in the substrate. I know the leaves need to be out of the water. But, as I watch different YouTubers, I am confused. Some say that only the roots can be submerged while others say the stems can also be submerged as long as the leaves are out of the water. What is the story?
  3. Not disagreeing, but looking at videos on the "Cory appreciation" thread indicates that much of what I am seeing is "happy Cory" behaviors. Reasonable that they would also display some stress since they just moved from quarantine tank to this one. There are hiding places for them. They use them mostly when humans appear at the glass. The neon tetra survivors are their dither fish. The LFS I got them from only had one orange laser. I got it and 5 Julii's. I would like to get more of the orange laser. It seems okay hanging with the Julii's but the Julii's kinda give Laser no choice in the matter! They are much smaller than Laser so they seem to feel safer being close to it.
  4. Hubby couldn't handle the Cory's being in quarantine any longer so I put out orange laser and Julii Cory's into the main tank (20g planted). I expected them to be active. I expected them to swim to the surface occasionally. What I didn't expect was for them to spend most of their time swimming up and down the glass, darting from one end to the other, and generally being happy acrobats all over the place!! I wish I could video it but they are camera shy. I think if we had a 50g tank, we would fill it with Cory's!! Lol
  5. Unless I am looking at it wrong, the tank is seen from both sides. In which case, plant like an island with tall plants in the center. Jmtc
  6. He is also Army. Thank YOU for your service! I will tell him the botanicals are Army approved! Lol
  7. Yeah, hubby would not like that at all. I am torn as I see the benefits but I also want a purty tank. Funny because my landscape style is all about woodchips and decaying leaves and all the creepy crawlies because I am trying to turn beach sand into soil. 😂 But, I can easily add some oak and mulberry leaves for the snails and corys and then vacuum up the leftovers.
  8. So, any dried leaves and plant matter or does it matter? The messiness will be a problem. My hubby is retired military. I even pulled a few plants out that caused an untidy appearance. I may try keeping the botanicals behind the sunken ship and keeping the front of the tank substrate more clean and tidy.
  9. Substrate. Why does it confuse me so much? Don't answer that... my blondeness is showing... I have already set up my tank but am already having doubts about my uninformed choices. I honestly didn't realize that there was more to choosing substrate than just what color and whether to use sand or gravel. What I have is black sand of some sort. I don't recall the brand, just that it said it would sparkle under water. With that is some blue gravel that I regret but have opted to leave for now. I have since heard people mention added dried leaves and other botanicals to the tank for their snails and/or to add tannins. Such discussions usually include mention of mulm which acts as fertilizer for the plants. So, can y'all help a lady understand in terms of my aquarium and the livestock intended therein what would be beneficial and thus what I should be researching? Tank is 20g planted. Livestock planned include Betta, corydoras, snails, and tetras and/or rasboras.
  10. So, the expected algae growth has happened. I don't have sufficient surface floater plants to block light but I also don't have high light. I have a starter kit. I probably am keeping the light on too long. I do have plants: both submersed and "filter" plants (pothos and waffle). Nitrates don't go above 40ppm. I don't know the different types of algae, yet. What I have is green, growing in glass and the sunken ship. Plus, there is a green shade to the water. I have just finished scraping the front and side glass and doing a 40% water change. So, correct me on my assumptions: 1) some algae isn't a bad thing... could be a good thing 2) as my plants grow and fill out the space, they will help combat the algae. I have heard this but then I have also seen videos of planted tanks overrun with algae. I don't know what is the differences???? 3) I want to get some snails not just to control algae but because they are cool. Since I have neon tetras dieing, should I wait to add snails or is it safe to add snails now?
  11. Three more died overnight. Here are autopsy photos.
  12. Haven't tried it. I don't know how to determine a quality online merchant for fish.
  13. PetSmart is the only source in town. Otherwise, I have to go up to the city to a LFS. That is where I bought the Cory's last week. (They are in the quarantine tank so not exposed to the tetras.) If I go there for schooling fish to replace the neons, I probably won't get more neons. They have some really cool schooling fish so for the money, I might as well up the cool factor. 😜
  14. I hope the last six survive but either way, I don't think I will get more. They are just too fragile.
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