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  1. 2 more quick pics. Side and back views.
  2. Wow, increasing the CO2 to ramp to its target range quicker has had amazing effects on plant growth and eliminating algae!!! Also, using Aquarium Co-Op root tabs, Easy Iron, Easy green along with DIY altering daily 1.3 ml of macros and micros has has made all the difference. I actually had to do a major trimming this past Saturday because the plants were completely taking over the 16Gal tank. Thanks for all your expert advice!! Also, I will just add that upgrading to a Sera Aqua Test Box really really made a difference monitoring all the parameters accurately. I found some very troubling differences between Sera test results and API Master Kit test results. I never use test strips as I have found them to be way off and inaccurate. Spend the money on an excellent water test kit like Sera. Cheers!!
  3. Agreed! Excellent advice, my tank is set up like you suggested. CO2 begins 2 hrs before the light brightens and is well circulated. I should probably revisit how long it takes to achieve 6.7 PH. CO2 may only need to be on an hr or so before the light hits it target intensity.
  4. Wow, I love it when people like you know their stuff!! I can see it clearly now. It's a bit of an art to achieving optimized CO2 levels. I did find one scientific solution to dial in the optimal 30-35ppm CO2 levels. A bit expensive though.😳 https://pentairaes.com/oxyguard-portable-co2-meter.html
  5. Wow Mmiller2001, You were 100% correct! I dialed up the CO2 and dropped the PH controller to 6.7 and the brown/black string algae is nearly all disappeared. I wonder why? The increase in carbonic acid from the increased CO2 volume? Lower Oxygen saturation during CO2 diffusion? Combo? Interesting!! Thanks again for the pointer!!!
  6. Could of fooled me. The tank looks great. I am considering an upgrade to a 32Gal tank. Great, I will get the Aquastop one and maybe replace the suction cups with better ones. Thanks again!!
  7. Wow, awesome tank! Great looking healthy plants!! Is that a Aquatop 65 GPH Internal surface skimmer? I like it if so. I may try that first. Thanks!!
  8. Also, I am considering a micro wave maker, at a low setting. Not exactly sure where to put it though, maybe the low flow side with the UV Sterilizer and bubbler and CO2 diffuser and aim across to the other side of the tank towards the filter. Or mount on the backside glass and slightly aim towards the low flow side., create a clockwise flow in the tank and is helping the same direction of the filter outflow. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B083LP42WZ/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_plhdr=t&aaxitk=4a94e08d2288d51b9d4113aa20cd97f4&hsa_cr_id=5686061780001&qid=1724257909&sr=1-1-9e67e56a-6f64-441f-a281-df67fc737124&ref_=sbx_be_s_sparkle_lsi4d_asin_0_title&pd_rd_w=3L37M&content-id=amzn1.sym.8591358d-1345-4efd-9d50-5bd4e69cd942%3Aamzn1.sym.8591358d-1345-4efd-9d50-5bd4e69cd942&pf_rd_p=8591358d-1345-4efd-9d50-5bd4e69cd942&pf_rd_r=JEJPDXSN4JWPC4XQM2MV&pd_rd_wg=b8N0d&pd_rd_r=ccde7265-11ab-4813-9bc7-a6ea350e0e43
  9. Yes and good idea with the sponge. I currently have a 50 micron polishing sheet on top of the flow spout and it touches the waterline to slow the flow but its still a little too strong. Maybe the sponge will work better. Thanks!!!
  10. Yes, thanks. I only use treated water that I fill the tank with to clean the filter and decorations or anything else I put in the tank. Never chlorinated tap water or cleaners. Yes, the layout is definitely part of the problem I think. I will probably need to rearrange. Thanks again!!
  11. Thanks JoeQ. Good ideas. I will turn up my aerator at night when I am not running the CO2. Water temp could be a factor. My heater is set at 79 but usually doesn't stay there long and cycles back down to 78.1 before it turns back on again. Oscar likes the warmer temps because he sits on the heater suction cup when the heater turns on. I definitely have slow moving waters too. Will have to figure that out. Its tricky with a betta, as you know they do not like flow especially moderate flow. I continually turn my Aqua Clear flow rate down to minimum because it tosses him around and he has a hard time swimming through it. Thanks for the Ideas. I will try a combination of your ideas. Thanks.
  12. Do you have any non medication recommendations? I do weekly 50-60 % water changes and vac the substrate. I also scrub the ornaments in the tank and thoroughly clean the filter. I test the water for parameters almost daily. Not sure what else to do. All the parameters are in line. I use a Sera Aqua Test Kit. Thanks.
  13. Thank you JoeQ. That was my concern. I am looking into Fritz Slime Out and Ultra Life Reef to remove it. They are both recommended. Do you have a preference? THanks.
  14. Hello, am noticing this new algae on some of my plants. How can I get rid of it? Thanks!!
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