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  1. Thank you, yes here is the order from top to bottom NO3 NO2 CL GH TA KH PH
  2. Hello, thanks for the compliment, apparently my name is destined for non-humans LOL. I have 2 angel fish, a albino shark, 2 algae eaters, tiger bard, molly, platty, 2, glow fish, and 6 neon tetras. I tried shrimp but they get eaten by someone, not sure how I can stop that. I had 2 snails, but they have died. I agree as I might have kept my shrimp alive, but I didn't. My other 10 gallon tanks have had some snails for over a year and some shrimp. they seem to do better in the 10 gallon tank, but I believe @Seattle_Aquarist was asking for some GH and KH parameters that might be my issue?
  3. Well.... I'll take that as a compliment LOL ..........I think😀
  4. Well here is my GH and KH and NO3, @Seattle_Aquarist. Let me know your thoughts. Thank you very much.
  5. I'm using well water and DM you a message, my TDS reading of the well water is 474. I was getting pretty hard readings for GH previously and that is mainly why I was using RO. TDS is at 451 in the 55 gal if that helps.
  6. Thanks @Whitecloud09for the Java Fern advice, I have attached it now to driftwood and lowered my lights from 75% to 35%. I don't have KH and GH test strips @Seattle_Aquarist but will get some. I do have a RO that I've been using for about 6 months now and tested the TDS which is below 20. Here is the PH and NO3. The other 3 tanks are my 10 Gal ones. Thank you!
  7. Thank you for the info @Whitecloud09 @CoryWithAKatana @Seattle_Aquarist. I will update with water parameters tonight. The Java Fern, I should have known (my fault) about not being buried. With the swords, I thought they were fairly hardy but can't seem to get good growth. I'll get back tonight on the other items. Yes @CoryWithAKatana you are correct, I don't think that is the case with the Java, but I'll replant on my driftwood. Any thoughts on my lighting parameters? Thank you!
  8. Hello everyone, newbie to the forum. Need some advice, have been doing freshwater tanks for a few years and almost a year ago got a 55 gal tank. Fully stocked and have some java fern and some swords. Am having black spots and been trimming, but can't seem to get them to grow even with co2. Did recently see some little pearling going on and have my bps around 3-4. Drop checker is typically light blue, and did homemade co2. 600g of citric acid and baking soda and 900 ml of water. If I increase the co2 too much, my platy and molly go to the surface to breath. I have dosed the tank with Thrive all in one fertilizer and doesn't seem to help. I'm using a Fluval 3.0 plant light and if too high I get algae. I tried 100% on the lighted colors, except 1-10% blue and 60-80% red, Right now my lights are reduced to pink 60 blue 10, cool white 75, pure white 75, warm white 75 to keep the algae down. PH is around 6.8 when co2 is running and around 7.6 when not. Nitrate is a bit high around 40-60ppm and ammonia and nitrates look good. Water change 2 weeks ago, Filter is marineland which looks good. Any ideas how to get my plants going again? I have the lights on for 9 hours and co2 on for 8. I have 3 10 gal tanks and in 2 of them my plants are going well with no co2, the other one I have no plants in. Thanks for taking the time to read and assist in ideas.
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