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  1. @Mmiller2001 The ammonia peak is sometimes around 4 ppm before changing the water, with an average pH of 7.5. Initially, I performed almost 70% water changes, then reduced to 50%, and now I usually do around 30% water changes twice per week. I am dosing Nutrafin Plant Gro, Seachem Flourish Iron, and using Osmocote Plus for root tabs. The tank is 5 gallons, with a height of 10.2 inches, and the light is specifically for aquarium plant growth.
  2. @Whitecloud09 Its almost been 1 month but the ammonia doesnt seem to come down. Thank you I will try to ask some Qs from @Mmiller2001 to figue out what can I do for the plants cause they dont look good and I am losing many!
  3. @Whitecloud09 No there is no fish and yes I am still in cycling but its taking so long, I have been on top of the water changes and have added prime but nothing seems to work, I dont know if I am missing something here!
  4. I started my tank 1 month ago. Attached are the water parameters. I still have not been able to bring down the ammonia despite doing water changes twice a week. My plants look shriveled and messy despite using CO2, liquid fertilizer, iron, and root tabs. What gives, and what else should I be doing? Thanks
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