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  1. I'm guessing this little guy hitched a ride in on a plant a couple of weeks ago and it's finally big enough to maybe be identifiable. Would anyone know what kind of snail this is?
  2. Yes, I'm new to this forum and new to fishkeeping. Earlier I was combining what you said (shrimp will ignore food if they're not hungry) with what another person said earlier about fish (chili rasboras are not prone to overeating) to conclude that, if my shrimp are not eating shrimp food and instead my chilis are eating it, then perhaps my shrimp are fine but I am not feeding enough fish food and that's something I could experiment with. Fair enough. I appreciate you taking the time to educate me.
  3. Oh hmm, so it sounds like my shrimp are probably fine, but I'm maybe underfeeding my chilis if they're going for the shrimp food ... I'll see what I can do about that. Thanks!!
  4. Thanks! Is there any way I can make it more likely the shrimp will eat their food? I've tried placing the sticks by hand where they seem to like to hang out (not helpful, the chilis still get it first) ... but I am feeding in the morning, do shrimp maybe prefer to eat at night? Or should I just go longer in between shrimp feeds, like aim for 1x a week instead of 2-3x?
  5. I have a well-established planted nano tank with 9 chili rasboras and 7 shrimp (probably... I haven't seen more than 2-3 at a time since I got them a week ago, but I haven't found dead shrimp either). I feed the chili rasboras daily with frozen food and they gobble it up, but every time I drop one of these Xtreme Shrimpee Sinking Sticks it's the chilis that gather around picking on it for hours and not any of the shrimp... Is this fine? Presumably the shrimp are getting enough to eat from the algae and stuff on the plants, and that's why they're ignoring the shrimpee sticks, but I'm concerned that I might be overfeeding the chilis if I keep doing this?
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