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  1. Thank you for such quick responses! The tank is 6 weeks old tomorrow. I let it cycle for 4 weeks with plants and all before adding any fish. I did a 2nd test a moment ago and got the same result. I'll keep changing the water. I did a 10% water change this morning (25% yesterday). I'll do a 50% tomorrow. I hope the Amano will tolerate it. Dang those things are expensive! I'm wondering if putting in some API Quick Start would be of any benefit at this point. Again, thank you all for responding! Edit: The only recent change was I took out 6 red eye tetras yesterday and gave them to the local aquarium store. I was told they would do well with the other fish. Not so much. They nipped the fins of the neons and rasboras to the point where entire tails were missing right up to the meat. Then the betta would kill the injured.
  2. Hi folks, I'm new here. I just rekindled my aquarium interests after 40+ years. I have a question about ammonia/nitrite/nitrate testing. I'm running a 37 gallon aquarium. It's maybe 20% planted. I have about 12 neon tetras, 10 harlequin rasboras, 10 green corys, 1 male betta, 3 ottos, 2 nerites and 4 amanos. I'm running an Aquaclear 50 hob and a sponge filter rated for up to 50 gallons. I've been doing about a 25% water change every other day. I have the API fresh water master test kit and do a test every other morning. This morning my ammonia is showing "0" ppm. Nitrite is showing "0.50" ppm and Nitrate is showing "10" ppm. I don't know if I should be concerned and what I can do to improve things. Any suggestions? Much appreciated.
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