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  1. Hi! New on this forum, although I have been reading threads as a non-member for months. I have a 29 gallon planted community tank and am wondering how to tell if I can have more fish or if I already have too many. This is my first aquarium and I have only had it since December 2023, so please be nice, I love to learn and improve. The livestock I have are: 6 mystery snails, 4 adult cherry shrimp and about 25 juveniles, 1 hillstream loach, 5 endler's, 13 white cloud minnows, 1 one inch baby bristlenose pleco, and 5 peppered corydoras. I also have a bunch of aquarium plants. Ammonia and nitrite are at 0, and nitrates are never over 10 even after two weeks without a water change. I have a sponge filter and LED plant light. My shrimp and corydoras are breeding like crazy and I have mystery snail eggs now, too. If water parameters are good, how do I know when I am fully stocked and need to stop? The question is, can I keep more in here or do I need another tank/bigger tank to keep babies and get more fish? I have room to get a 20 gallon addition or upgrade to a 40 or 50 gallon single tank. I am afraid of moving everything I have into a new tank, though. Thoughts on a good course of action would be very much appreciated!! Thanks!
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