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  1. I checked with Cory (Edit: I actually emailed with store manager Brandon) first and he said to post here and Facebook, unfortunately. I called Aquarium Zen and no dice but thanks for the lead! I think albinos and wild types are more suitable for ponds, leucistics aren't nearly as feisty, but I will look into pond shops too anyway! Follow up: no luck at Bridges, the guy I spoke with doesn't see any in the ordering system. Same answer I got from Farmland in Silverdale. Thanks though! The search continues!
  2. I am in the Seattle-ish area! Only golds I can find are albino, gold eyes. I'm willing to drive anywhere in WA (they're illegal in OR!), or I'd mail order. The leucistics I found in 2018 were in Renton at Sierra Fish and Pets.
  3. Hi! Perhaps somebody in this community can help me - I'm looking for leucistic dojo loaches. Gold (or pale) with BLACK eyes. Not wild type weather loaches, absolutely not albino dojos. I haven't seen any of these leucistic guys for a few years and it's heartbreaking! Is there anybody still breeding them? No fish store I've spoken to has seen them on an order list. The last time I found them in a store was 2018, I believe. Their personalities are so much sweeter than the other lineages but I understand they are tricker to breed. Many thanks for any information or leads anyone can provide me with! Pictured on the left my dear now-elderly Divot with her late partner (RIP 😭 I miss him so much too). She needs a new shoal and it *has* to be leucistic dojos.
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