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  1. I’m just trying to learn what would be safe, but I don’t mean he will be in there long. I just think it might be scary if it wasnt see through like glass also theres no way to close the top of the net to make sure he doesnt leap. If he can see through it its way less scary. Ty for trying to help though. All help is appreciated! Always! Any other feedback or ideas please dont hesitate to comment again! Thanks again!
  2. Yes hes the biggest love of my whole life. I spend all day everyday with him taking care of him. Always trying to entertain him and talk to him. If uou ever seen apollo and frens on YouTube i try to educate him the best incan everyday in the same style the YouTube guy dalton does on that channel for his bird.
  3. Do you have a link to an outdoor sporting good store for the item you recommend? Ty. Yes i love him so much. He’s amazing.
  4. I have a Comet goldfish 10.5 inches in length from head to tail so very big almost 11 inches. What kind of fish net would be satest for him? And most comfortable? What kind of net do you use for your comet goldfish? Is the long net in this video https:// youtu.be/dDD6rTVIAPI?si=oUrUrSLtM7QEPmCf @ Time mark 8:02 min in a good choice? I want one he can see through and thats soft though. But i worry about him because hes super strong and fast. Hes so fast and strong he could probably leap over an entire rainbow.
  5. We don’t have enough people to carry a brand new. We live in a small town pretty rural. A 220 gallon tank or 300 gallon tank would be pretty heavy to carry. Anybody have any ideas on how to get somebody to help move a 220 gallon tank or 300 gallon tank and stand that we want to buy from a Local store? I have a Comet goldfish. He’s big. I don’t want him to have a small space. I want the biggest space for him possible. Only got 125 gal. I really want an acrylic tank too instead of glass for safety for my fish. But it’s insanely expensive. Any ideas on how I can get it for cheaper? Not used though. Needs to be brand new. I’m too afraid to buy anything used. have a comet goldfish full grown 10.5 inches long from head to tail. Only one fish.
  6. Yes, it’s the side corner of the stand at bottom It’s updated now. Please help or ask anybody you know to help ty. Any info that can help me is always appreciated.
  7. Warping on shelves and bottom of both sides of stand. Isnt this an extreme safety concern? Theres even a vid on YouTube with the exact same problem and time frame. Top fin 125 gallon tank ensemble. Only 60 day warranty. We got this ensemble in march 2024. Only thing that couldve caused this was an algae scraper very slightly dripping or aquarium cleaning nets sitting on shelves. It’s been perfectly taken care of, and I always shake off excess water from the algae scraper and cleaning nets. Only set on shelves for time convenience. We are extremely scared about this and really need expert opinions. All help and kindness is very appreciated. UPDATE: I don’t know why the other two photos are black but they posted fine on fishlore. Will try to upload newly taken ones within 10 minutes.
  8. Having trouble reading this, would you say this is 20 PPM nitrate, time for a water change, or worse?
  9. What kind of places rent out par meters so I can see how much light my aquarium plants are getting under water? I dont live near big cIties, pretty rural. Idk where to start. These are my plants, would I even need to rent since they’re pretty low light? I was thinking about getting 2 18w 24-36” fluval aquasky 2.0 for an aquarium 72.5” in length. 1 comet goldfish (hybrid i think with common) 16 years old. 10.5” in length.Thank you guys Amazon sword- Elodia- Java Fern- Anacharis- Java moss- Anubias frazeri- Duckweed- Amazon frog bits- Water spangles-
  10. For app features, I would like Bluetooth iPhone on/off and programmable time via app. Most importantly. To be able to change the brightness of each color spectrum would be nice also. And to be able to set schedules on the app. I have been considering the Aquarium co-op light. I’m very grateful for the help and recommendation. I seen the video about how strong it was and waterproof. Very impressive.
  11. What kind of light would be best to buy for an aquarium 72.5” in length. 1 comet goldfish (hybrid i think with common) 16 years old. 10.5” in length. With these listed plants. Was hoping for bluetooth and phone app features. Or remote. Thank you guys Amazon sword- Elodia- Java Fern- Anacharis- Java moss- Anubias frazeri- Duckweed- Amazon frog bits- Water spangles-
  12. Can anyone please help I’m very confused on how to ghost feed cycle and when it’s done?, cuz this video- - says @ 2:27 it’s done when the nitrates are even zero.. But liquid ammonia or any other method says it’s done when the ammonia is zero nitrite is zero and you start to have nitrates in any amount. When is it safe? I have two Eco bio stones in a 125 gallon tank. My canister filter is a sunsun HW-3000. It has SEACHEM MATRIX in it, which does eliminate nitrates a little bit, correct? But i also have 2 eco-block bio stones. Which eliminate ammonia and create beneficial bacteria but would it ruin the cycle? 125 gallon (tests below cycle description below in bold) -Week 1: I first started the cycle on 3/31/2024 by adding 125mL of API Quick Start and 1/2 cup+1 tsp as first of 3 double dose of API Stress zyme+ “sludge eating bacteria. - Week 2: 4/9/2024 65mL of Seachem Stability to start 8 day stability cycle. Added pellets and flakes fish food. 33ml stability from 4/10/24 until 4/17/24 -Week 3-4 : 4/18/2024 added flakes and pellets. 4/27 more flakes and pellets TESTS - Week 1 - 3/31/2024 Ammonia- 0 Nitrite- 0 Nitrate- 0 - Week 1 - 4/9//2024 Ammonia- 0.25 Nitrite- 0 Nitrate- 0 and every week after ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates are 0 and never showed up. Has my cycle not started? The eco bio stones from onedersave.co do remove ammonia PLEASE NOTE: I have been scooping out solid waste from my 75 gallon tank and putting them in the 125 gallon tank to help cycle it faster every day since week one literally. It even has bacterial bloom a lil bit of cloudy clear water now. (1x) 1’ piece of malaysian driftwood is in tank also. I’m moving one comic goldfish from a 75 gallon to the 125 gallon. I’m really worried about it.
  13. Where do you buy your sandpaper does it matter? I wanna make sure it’s completely clean and safe but idk about regular hardware stores. As there are a lot of ppl who have mechanic oil smudged fingers that may pick it up and look at sheets would that be risk for traces of toxic substances on them? Does it matter what kind of sandpaper? Any toxic?
  14. Do any of you use malaysian driftwood for goldfish?
  15. I googled dangers and risks of sponge filters but im still confused by this i read on the aquarium coop site. For the circled in red in photo attached, what does it mean fine sponge filters if floating cause lack of oxygen and loss of life? Like the bubbles will stop? I got 2 5 inch width sponge filters for a 75 gal aquarium with one full grown comet goldfish but they sink fine after soaking in a 5 gal bucket. Its been only 8 hours of soaking but is there a risk they might float still?
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