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Posts posted by Eddy1927

  1. On 3/16/2024 at 5:33 PM, Creedmoor Aquatics said:

    The Easy Plant LEDs have extension brackets so they will always fit the next size up, so a 16" light would be no problem on a 20" tank.


    I think it comes down to what kind of plants you want to grow. If you're looking for a lot of red or white plants (poor photosynthesizers) or growing a carpet of dwarf baby tears, etc maybe the extra lumens of the larger light would be useful.


    Otherwise I'd say the tank is small enough and short enough you should be just fine with a 16", and will probably want to turn the brightness down anyways. 

    I currently have Amazon swords, vallisnerias, and cryptocoryne greens in my tank so I think the 16 should be fine

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